Band Auditions

Random. I want to start a band named Forks and Spoons.

I don't want to dress like this. Just wanted to get your attention. Unless it pays well, then hell yeah. Bring it. We could chase Lady Gaga around in her meat costume. Need to audition a knife; she looks tough.

Tryouts: +Dustin Cochran +Keith Cramer +Jake Marquart +Jim Gomes +Emilio Boronali +Kari Tedrick +Kristi Fahlsing +Dave Hogan

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39 Responses to Band Auditions

  1. Kenny Grimes says:

    typical all she wants to do is spoon and he can't get forking off his mind

  2. Summer Daniels says:

    I'm thinking you could have a baby in the band and call it "Spork" …

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Yes, +Kenny Grimes has read between the lines! Impressive, grasshopper!

  4. Kyla Myers says:

    Stop forking around, Scott!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Summer Daniels First album name! Yes. Coming together nicely. Now. Need. Talent. 😉

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers
    I knew it was coming. 😉

  7. Kenny Grimes says:

    i try lady gaga reference helped its not hard to part those beef curtains not lindsay lohan easy but still more like playing tennis without a net

  8. Kyla Myers says:

    Too spoon, +Scott Cramer? 😀

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers Owwww…. the one two pun punch! 😉 Seriously groaning here!

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    I think we are going to put you on tambourine. Or cowbell. 😉

  11. Summer Daniels says:

    I guess The Lovin' Spoonful would be after the forking around? ;-)~

  12. Kenny Grimes says:

    i lack rhythm but have pipes but i could catch the walken fever

  13. Kyla Myers says:


    sniff I've been prongfully cast.

  14. Kenny Grimes says:

    or you could market yourselves as THE UTENSILS first album:SPORKIN AROUND TOWN

  15. Summer Daniels says:

    The "lovin spoonful" … as in he fills up …

    Come on – that was forking clever.

    Oh never mind then.

    Fork you all. 😉

  16. Kenny Grimes says:

    it's a tineless tragedy for the ages kyla

  17. Jim Gomes says:

    I'd like to see a Battle of the Bands vs. Meatloaf.

  18. Kenny Grimes says:

    i got it and props summer i was plunged into silverware hilarity

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    LMAO… Man, I went to lunch and now I can' t keep up with you all!!! NEED MORE COWBELL! 😉 +Kenny Grimes Major props for "Walken fever". hehe +Jim Gomes Meatloaf reference was pure gold!

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    +Summer Daniels In charge of song titles. 😉

  21. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer I request a song named " Scottish Long Handle " (based upon the Scottish proverb stating that "to eat at the Devil's table, you must have a long-handled spoon"… )

  22. Scott Cramer says:

    Must look that one up!

  23. Keith Cramer says:

    It will all fall apart once the relationship loses it's zest. Fork will desire a larger cup size and fall for ladle. After fork whisks ladle away, spoon will boil over and ask her friends nutcracker and can-opener to open some whoop-ass on fork. Spoon will end up thrown into the strainer for a'salt.

    And… yes, it is after 1am. There should be a rule against commenting when tired.

  24. Kenny Grimes says:

    really? i thought they might reconcile after they were both"in the drawer" at the local omelette bar

  25. Keith Cramer says:

    Yeah, they''ll probably have a comeback tour, but it will get panned.

  26. Kyla Myers says:

    Y'know it all really started when the dish ran away with spoon. The fork tined away for the spoon and the things were strained. Knife got a bit stabby and was thrown into cutlery for 30 days. Dish was eventually caught and was sentenced to 30 minutes in the dirty cycle. Spoon's reputation was forever tarnished and she lays around in her drawers all day.

  27. Kenny Grimes says:

    +Kyla Myers i just smiled so hard my jaw cracked lol, tip of the hat to you

  28. Kyla Myers says:

    bows Thank you , kindly, +Kenny Grimes.

  29. Keith Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers kudos!

  30. Scott Cramer says:

    Man, we ever even got started and +Keith Cramer has us on "Where are they now?" Dang, bro.

  31. Kenny Grimes says:

    lemme guess………. the dishwasher

  32. Kyla Myers says:

    It ain't over til the fat ladle sings.

  33. Kenny Grimes says:


  34. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers And just when I thought there couldn't be any more! Bazinga! 😉

    I remember when it used to be all about the band… sigh.

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    p.s. Someone poke +Kenny Grimes in the corner over there. All that silent chuckling is creeping me out. 😉

  36. Kenny Grimes says:

    IT's AWFUL I CALL IT THE WHITEY LAUGH. you the one where u make no sound

  37. Scott Cramer says:

    Like Sheldon in Big Bang? 😉

  38. Kenny Grimes says:


  39. Kenny Grimes says:

    bwhahahah…..h h h h hh

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