Borg 3 of 2, Get Lost!

The always inimitable +Doug Savage, a man whose canvas needs not be bigger than a post-it, and a gentleman who takes time to even sign the birthday cards of the likes of +Keith Cramer. Seriously, if you have chuckled at no less than three (see what I did, there? <3 ) of his comics, then buy his book to sit in your living room. I have it. Keith has it. What are you waiting for?! How can Doug save for his Virgin Mobile flight to space with +Ashton Kutcher if you do not buy his book?! I mean, really.

Reshared post from +Doug Savage

Poor Three, always a fifth wheel…

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Three’s A Crowd Cartoon | Savage Chickens – Cartoons on Sticky Notes by Doug Savage

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2 Responses to Borg 3 of 2, Get Lost!

  1. Doug Savage says:

    Thanks Scott! And it's true, Ashton will be pretty disappointed if I bail on him again! 🙂

  2. Madeleine Groves says:

    I thought one was the loneliest borg?

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