Oh, man, I wish I could upload the wonderful smell! Hamburger, seasoned up, potatoes, carrots, onions, and a good dollop of butter! Perfect 70 degree night, warm crackling fire, and sizzling food! +Maddie Cramer? and me waiting on +Keith Cramer?, +Lori Cramer?, +Charlie Cramer?, and a couple non-gplus nephews to get here!
Next up, campfire desserts!
#campfire #campfirecooking #firepit?Campfire Foil Packs
Oh, man, I wish I could upload the wonderful smell! Hamburger, seasoned up, potatoes, carrots, onions, and a good dollop of butter! Perfect 70 degree night, warm crackling fire, and sizzling food! +Maddie Cramer? and me waiting on +Keith Cramer?, +Lori Cramer?, +Charlie Cramer?, and a couple non-gplus nephews to get here!
Next up, campfire desserts!
#campfire #campfirecooking #firepit
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