Canada Alliteration HIRL – Mellie, Mellie's Mom, Mini Mel, Maddie, and Me!
Okay, so maybe "Mini Mel" was a stretch but her little boy's name does not start with an "M". Literary license! ๐ +Maddie Cramerย and I ended our vacation to Maine with a trip to Niagara Falls in Canada this last Sunday. We were pretty wiped and took off a lot earlier than planned. The GPS route went within minutes of +Mellie B, so I messaged a dinner invite and apology for being so last minute! Luckily we caught her, and as an added bonus, her mom was able to come along; I met her mom from playing WordFeud with Mellie and she hooked us up to play too. We had an excellent dinner at an establishment named Jack Astors (hehe, yes, the name is on purpose – I asked).
The included pics have captions on them, but one needed a bit more. The tables at the restaurant we went to have a brown paper covering that they let you draw on. Here is a breakdown of the picture on ours:
* Mellie on a unicorn. Because… duh.
* Consensus said she needed a crown because she's a princess.
* I decided she needed a whip. To control the unicorn.
* Unicorn is actually a vampire unicorn because that's way more wicked (my new jargon from Maine and +Rhonda Britton).
* Since Mellie was standing on the unicorn, and brandishing a whip can throw one off balance, I made sure to strap her onto the unicorn's back so she didn't fall off.
* Mellie's mom made a point about a bumpy ride if I am remembering correctly, so I added some springs to help out.
* I added rocket shoes to the unicorn – it just seemed like a logical progression. Mellie's mom was thinking high heels was the way to go, so we made it rocket high heels.
* Mellie wanted a wand. Voila. Wand! Maddie and Mellie's mom made sure it was truly magical with a star on it.
* A side thing going on was a conversation with Mellie's mom about the war of 1812. This resulted in a cannon that I drew to fire a cannonball at Mellie's little one. Also a line between US and THEM. hehe
* Mellie's mom challenged me to draw a 13 stars flag (easy, sort of) and a Union Jack (umm… it's behind the fog). I had to adjust the flag pole because of the proximity to the vampire unicorn's derriere.
* To explain the insanity, Mellie drew a TARDIS. All makes sense.
* I told the waitress she had to add to the picture… because that's how I roll. She drew a flower?! I made it a vampire flower. It didn't show well in the first photo so Mellie hand modeled for us with a pointer to it.
The artwork was ripped from the table and brought back to Indiana. Reasonable monetary offers will be accepted. Framing is extra. ๐
#Madanddad2014 ย ?
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