Does it still count if after you send the picture to your sweetie, you immediately scoop up all the candy and eat it saying, "Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!!!"?
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Does it still count if after you send the picture to your sweetie, you immediately scoop up all the candy and eat it saying, "Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!!!"?
Google+: View post on Google+
Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
if even counts if you eat it while sending it to her… :p
Yes. Until she finds you *Nom Noming *
+Annie Yim Yay! Then I can send the half eaten junior mint heart!
+Sharuque Moideen We're still talking about candy, right!?
um…uh…does it count when you don't send this pic to your sweetie? first time I've seen this photo…unless you have another sweetie I don't know about mister +Scott Cramer ?! haha!
Lol Busted!
haha! right!
yeah… well, i was about to send it and someone had the nerve to come in my office and ask me a WORK question!!! can you believe the audacity?! and then… i had eaten them.
{clearing throat} maybe so…but if that were * really* the case…why was it posted Saturday afternoon….when you don't work Saturdays.
Hehe…..someone's gonna get it
+Kari Tedrick Or not…
True that!
Nah, whenever he's in trouble…I always get the cute pouty face (yepper the one where he looks like a monkey) and I can't be mad at a cute monkey, can I? hahaha!
man… next time the printer question waits until after i send that picture!!!
yea yea…work just has to get in the way all the time, right??!!
Exactly! It really messes up my fun time.
You mean purrrr?