Cherry pie from yesterday tuned out well. I think I'm still a fan of the simple classic (gooey cherry in a can) pie from when I was a kid. I'm thinking next time, this homemade crust with that filling. This one used frozen sweet dark cherries because that's all I could find other than cans. I was hoping for a tart cherry.
Anyone have a favorite cherry pie recipe??
#Thanksgiving #cherrypie #foodporn?Cherry Pie
Cherry pie from yesterday tuned out well. I think I’m still a fan of the simple classic (gooey cherry in a can) pie from when I was a kid. I’m thinking next time, this homemade crust with that filling. This one used frozen sweet dark cherries because that’s all I could find other than cans. I was hoping for a tart cherry.
Anyone have a favorite cherry pie recipe??
#Thanksgiving #cherrypie #foodporn
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