Cosplay gone bad!

Mellie B said, "is this the next +Scott Cramer vs +Keith Cramer costume contest?" Before +Halfdan Reschat stirs anything up, no no no no!!! 😉

Thanks +Mellie B for the share and Annika O'Brien for the post!

Reshared post from +Annika O’Brien

Incredible Sulk.

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21 Responses to Cosplay gone bad!

  1. Sheila Garl says:

    The Hulk looks kind of…muppety.

  2. Halfdan Reschat says:

    If I had a soul it'd be gone after looking into the Hulk's eyes.

  3. Mellie B says:

    Awwwwww :'(

    and just like that, +Scott Cramer breaks +Mellie B 's poor little heart.


  4. Scott Cramer says:

    He looks a lot like Gumby mated with The Creature from The Black Lagoon!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Now… if +Mellie B were a participant…

  6. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, it's beginning to sound like a plan.

  7. Mellie B says:


    Dw i ddim yn siarad Saesneg

  8. Brendan Farrell says:

    The pseudo Hulk guy is creeping me the heck out.

  9. Sheila Garl says:

    what's with the weird crotch concealing shadow? Why does it appear that the Hulk is on a nudist holiday? Oh dear…

  10. Mellie B says:

    That's the shadow of the hammer

    wink wink, nudge nudge

  11. Sheila Garl says:

    So in addition to showcasing costuming skills, photography..umm..efforts…are also lacking!

    It's the Shadow PhotoBomb!

  12. Mellie B says:

    well… those drawn-on "abs" are.. um….

    …. interestingly shaped….

  13. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Mellie B, you and your dirty mind.

  14. Mellie B says:


  15. Aldric Newberry says:

    If these superheros saw this they might commit Hari Kari..

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mellie B dw i ddim yn siarad Cymraeg 😉

  17. Mellie B says:

    Well +Scott Cramer (and +Halfdan Reschat )… in the interest of fair play…

    As much as my minions you might think you'd like to see me in a costume, y'all are probably all better off with what your imagination fills in 😉

    Besides, I bow to the experience and expertise of a couple of pro costume makers … a poor little girl like me could hardly compete with that < fluttering lashes >

  18. Mellie B says:

    +Scott Cramer drueni

  19. Brendan Farrell says:

    +Mellie B You can wear one of these if you are feeling a little shy about costumes.

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    +Brendan Farrell Awesome. 😉

  21. Mellie B says:

    Hmmmmm tempting 😉

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