Darkest Before the Dawn?

Well, "they" say it's always darkest before the dawn. With the deconstruction and rebuild of my '69 VW Beetle, I sure hope so. Right now it looks like a goner. It's got a rebuilt engine sitting in an offsite garage and lots of spiffy new mechanical parts ready to be reattached. She's being taken completely apart for some cutting and welding (donor bug body offsite) and then strip and paint.  After the project goes on for a couple years, you start to understand "faith" and "commitment" because when it looks like this, it's really tough!

In album My VW Project (9 photos)

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19 Responses to Darkest Before the Dawn?

  1. Russell Deasley says:

    Well I think it looks amazing. #classic  

  2. Brendan Farrell says:

    You know, I was just wondering this past weekend how your project was coming along.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Russell Deasley Thanks!

    +Brendan Farrell Soooo slooowwwwwww!

  4. Monika Schmidt says:

    Keep going! looks like a very good job you spend on this wonderful vehicle :-))) I'd like to see this blue Beatle running one day ….

  5. Mark Gittelman says:

    You know a car project is getting bogged down when it starts being used like a storage container. 69 was a great year for bugs. I hope Herbie's cousin pulls through.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Monika Schmidt Will never give up. I've had this baby forever. Unfortunately she's seen more garage/storage time than street-time. It's an auto-stick and that has always been a mechanical problem for me. I've always been short on either time or money. Now that I've pumped some cash into the project, it's time that is being troublesome.

    So far as blue… lol, I told my daughter a long time ago that this would be hers. She's 12 now and I let her pick the color. She is going to be purple. We compromised and found a nice dark shade of metallic purple. We are going to two tone it with a lighter version on the sides. I'm excited. Keeping the faith. Keeping the faith. Keeping the faith…

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mark Gittelman Yeah… it's stored in my brother's garage at the moment. They were cleaning the half it was stored on and it just got pushed over to the other side. Suddenly it's even more of a storage shed. Since everything is coming off and out, no big. As soon as it starts going back together I'm going to have the sun ask permission before light rays are allowed to touch it. 😉

  8. Aldric Newberry says:

    Same color as mine! Can't wait to see it running! I've got some wheelwork to do myself. Keep the dream alive..

  9. Monika Schmidt says:

    Great+Scott Cramer , so the topic "colour" is decided. Say hallo to you daughte, it's a good choice. Now it's only time which is bothering: you will get it I'm sure!
    An auto-stick? That was VERY new in those days and like a revolution, 'cause I know it's usual for mercedes, but for VW it was extraordinary. One more reason regarding your beatle as a jewelry :-))))

  10. Kyla Myers says:

    If I lived nearby I'd do the upholstery work for you.

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers Hmm… Fed-ex… 😉

  12. Kyla Myers says:

    There is that!

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    I did not realize upholstery was in your pool of talents! Tell me more! 😉

  14. Kyla Myers says:

    Oh yes, I work primarily in leather but I can do most anything. You'll start to see updated pics next month as I'll be finishing up a retro sectional for my brother. It's black and red leather with the inspiration of "old school caddy". Did you not see the dining room chair seats I recovered for the folks while they were here?

  15. Brendan Farrell says:

    This is interesting, I am glad you spoke up +Kyla Myers .  And here I am just thinking of you as a gardener.

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    I work primarily in shorts and jeans… to each their own. 😉

  17. Kyla Myers says:

    Gardening is just my current love. There is something so wonderful about growing and eating your own food. As my grandparents were farmers, and I was very close with them as a child, it makes me happy to return to my roots.

    Having said that, I do stained glass, upholstery, glass bead making, obviously cake art, pottery and a lot more. People often jokingly ask me if there is anything I can't do. Heh.

  18. Kyla Myers says:

    I see where your mind went, Mr Cramer. 😉

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    P.s., no denial +Kyla Myers 😉

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