Darn Birds

When life gives you bird poo, make a Rorschach test. I see a zombie elephant, a cocoa puff covered in sausage gravy, and a demon head emerging from a marshmallow.

How about you my fellow sleepless (or alternate timezone) G+ friends?

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29 Responses to Darn Birds

  1. Terica Red says:

    I do see an elephant and a gravy covered cocoa puff….

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Terica Red 2 outta 3… 😉

  3. Mary C. says:

    Dumbo shooting lazors from his eyes closely followed by a floating Kirby and a big fat ram just taking flight to join them.

  4. Terica Red says:

    +Scott Cramer Yep #3 just looks like good old bird poo.

  5. Kirk shelton says:

    I had a miracle. The virgin Mary appeared to me in bird shit. Pics in my stream in 3…2…1

  6. Kyla Myers says:

    I think the bottom one is a zombie rat

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mary C. That totally could be a Kirby. Nice.

    +Terica Red We can't all be visionaries. 😉

    +Kirk shelton Oh, if only! I'd be selling tickets, yes I would.

    +Kyla Myers Yes… eating his way through a marshmallow. Or an eyeball. I can go with that.

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Keith Cramer +Kristi Fahlsing +Dustin Cochran Because you should not miss all the fun of social networking diagnosing bird poo on my car tonight.

  9. Kirk shelton says:

    It's up

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    He's not kidding. Real deal.

  11. Jenn Kirkland says:

    I think those birds are seriously angry

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jenn Kirkland Great. I was mistaken for an egg-stealing pig! Ergh

  13. DeMedeiros says:

    The zombie elephant with laser shooting eyes is epic.

  14. Jim Gomes says:

    (Counter-clockwise, bottom to top) I see a mutant albino sea otter on a pogo stick, a miniature earth wearing a beret while hawking a loogie, and the top row alien from Space Invaders.

  15. Jim Gomes says:

    Analyze that!

  16. Kirk shelton says:

    I see shit

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jim Gomes You are a master.

  18. Gary Tivey says:

    angry turds. =)

  19. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I see Batman lying, slowly dying, in a pool of acid while Death is standing by his side saying "shh, shh, shh, it will all be over soon."

  20. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I see Batman lying, slowly dying, in a pool of acid while Death is standing by his side saying "shh, shh, shh, it will all be over soon."

  21. Keith Cramer says:

    The bottom one… A rabbit wearing a winter cap.

    and… +Halfdan Reschat is starting to worry me…

  22. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Keith Cramer, perhaps my inner supervillain is just making me see what I want to see.

  23. Ashley Kleikamp says:

    I totally see the elephant! lol

  24. Salvio Giglio says:

    I see the elephant on the top and a the plan, seen from above, a small and fat, spaceship below. 😉 You need sleep dear +Scott Cramer ahahahhahahaha

  25. John Brock says:

    Once you see a zombie, elephant it can't be unseen

  26. Marcus Holloway says:

    I see a stingray, air balloon, and an elephant with a pronounced udder.

  27. Jim Gomes says:

    +Marcus Holloway that's not an udder. 😉

  28. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    I see "maybe you shouldn't park under the tree on my street…" LOL!

  29. Rhonda Stewart says:

    elephant, check. Zombie? nope. thing behind the elephant…a study of the tree to the right. and lastly, a teary one-eared salvador dali cat with no mouth.

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