Well, I checked deep fried Oreos off the kick the bucket list yesterday! Went to the Indiana State Fair with +Maddie Cramer?, +Christy Pemberton?, and her young ones.
I like Oreos but I'm not a super fan or anything. I did, however, want to try a decadent deep fried fair treat other than veggies or funnel cakes. Verdict? These were AWESOME! Oh my. Craving now!
I was also going to try, just for the sake of saying I did, deep fried butter and deep fried cookie dough. However, the line was long, and +Christy Pemberton? was attempting to keep me alive. While pulling me away, she said, "Who needs deep fried butter?!" I answered, "NOBODY NEEDS deep fried butter, but… but…" Next time for sure.
#foodporn #oreos #statefair #indianastatefair #deepfried?Deep Fried Oreos
Well, I checked deep fried Oreos off the kick the bucket list yesterday! Went to the Indiana State Fair with +Maddie Cramer?, +Christy Pemberton?, and her young ones.
I like Oreos but I’m not a super fan or anything. I did, however, want to try a decadent deep fried fair treat other than veggies or funnel cakes. Verdict? These were AWESOME! Oh my. Craving now!
I was also going to try, just for the sake of saying I did, deep
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