Depressed Superheroes

1) Yeah, yeah, angst. But if you are a super hero, I'm not going to feel jealous for you. Well, okay, your parents were killed or your planet was blown up, but c'mon, you're living the dream!

2) It's not like you're alone. You don't think there are other depressed heroes? Try the movie adaptations of Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Spiderman (3! eek), on and on.

Back to reality… Awesome art and fun concept. Thanks +Marcelo Almeida for the share.

Reshared post from +Marcelo Almeida

so nice!
depressed superheroes
by Lora Zombie =
#watercolor #illustration

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4 Responses to Depressed Superheroes

  1. Marcelo Almeida says:

    thank U ! {hugs}

  2. krishnamurthi ramachandran says:

    who are all super hero.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +krishnamurthi ramachandran Batman, Superman, Robin, Flash. Is that what you meant? 🙂

  4. Marcelo Almeida says:

    +Scott Cramer thank you… nice words, I love it! clap, clap, clap! {hugs} 😉

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