Do Good AND Stick it to the Man

+Matthew Inman is thumbing his nose at a frivolous lawsuit and raising money for the National Wildlife Federation and the American Cancer Society. Pure genius!

His target was 20K, and as of right now he has raised over $152K.
Check it out at:

+Keith Cramer and I lost our Mother to cancer almost 10 years ago, so I love that the American Cancer Society will be benefiting. And, like my brother (who I stole most of this post from) I'm also a huge fan of fuzzy animals and stuff.

Fingers crossed that +Matthew Inman raises an obscene amount of money with operation #bearlove .

Thanks +Damian Sanchez for the post and +Keith Cramer for the share!

Reshared post from +Matthew Inman

I heard back from FunnyJunk's lawyer, indirectly.  He responded to +Rosa Golijan.   He apparently tried to get the fundraiser taken down from IndieGoGo

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Cartoonist turns lawsuit threat into $100K charity fundraiser
Updated 7:43 p.m. ET

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1 Response to Do Good AND Stick it to the Man

  1. Jim Gomes says:

    I support this. The cancer and bear sex are secondary to the primary goal of flipping the bird to a sheisty lawyer.

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