Draw Something Somethings – Which are you?

If you play Draw Something, this is funny. If you don't, move along back to your Angry Birds. 😉

I was "The Investor" within about 30 seconds. Needed green! I have definitely fallen into the "Hard Mode" as some of my fellow players could definitely attest to. And, when my drawing just isn't gelling I have to resort to… "The Writer."

They need to add "The Assumist" when the person drawing just assumes you know sports, or movies, or singers and just drops you a cryptic clue like a sports team logo. Oh, yes… I know that! Not!

Thanks +Brendan Farrell for tagging me into a share and +Prash D for the post!

Reshared post from +Prash D

I am "The Angry Artist, The Writer, The Know-It-All, and the Investor at #DrawSomething according to this.

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37 Responses to Draw Something Somethings – Which are you?

  1. Kyla Myers says:

    I thought I was The Angry Artist but I've now decided my art is best displayed in cake form. I'm not a good drawer. sigh

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    You playing Draw Something +Kyla Myers?

  3. Kyla Myers says:

    Referring to it as "drawing" would be a very kind interpretation…

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm a very kind interpreter 😉 So, I take it not playing?

  5. Kyla Myers says:


  6. Scott Cramer says:

    To any lurkers, don't let her kid you. She can draw. Phenomenal car wash picture. 😉

  7. Kyla Myers says:

    I'm gratified you were able to guess that one. You may change your mind on the next pic. 😀

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Nope. I still think you are good. Can tell, I think, that you work in the 3D world… 😉

  9. Kyla Myers says:

    I was impressed that you got waterbed so easily, I must say!

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    It was perfectly drawn. Anyone who has ever put together a waterbed would recognize the baffles!

  11. Allen Simpson says:

    My only gripe is that with several games going on at once i get a lot of repeat words from people to the point where i can recognize them based on the available letters….it kind of feels like cheating.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson Yup. I have already done that tonight. 🙁

  13. Kyla Myers says:

    I haven't played long enough to hit that point. Maybe it will be like Groundhog Day and I will keep drawing these things until they get better. 😉

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Yeah, I have drawn a few so many times that I can whip through 'em pretty quick! Then on others… bad stick figures still!

  15. Kyla Myers says:

    Heh, I may have just done one of those 😀

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    I've also gotten really lazy on drawing Florida as you saw… 😉

  17. Kyla Myers says:

    LOL. It worked.

  18. Kyla Myers says:

    You're so gonna laugh at this next one

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    *immediately picks up phone* 😉

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    That was awesome. 🙂 Sorry about last drawing and so many erase/redraws. Having a bit of trouble with the touchscreen for some reason!

  21. Kyla Myers says:

    Heh. I figured that was the only way I'd get wardrobe across 🙂

  22. Scott Cramer says:

    Well played!

  23. Allen Simpson says:

    The first couple times I did Florida I drew half a us map with ocean a detail….now I just draw a flaccid phallus stick an orange on it and hit send

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson LMAO! Oh my, I am hoping I do not get Florida with you, or that *I* get to draw it for you. You are the allen that I'm playing, right? 😉

  25. Allen Simpson says:

    Yes and I just accidently sent a pic before I drew it. I was writhing you a note and instead of hitting delete I hit send. the word is comics.

  26. Allen Simpson says:

    I am sitting on my longest steak yet on draw something with +Rich Griffith turn number 100 to him tonight while enjoying some live accoustic music at our favorite coffee shop (i did get chastised by one of the performers who mid song turned to me and yelled "stop playing draw something Allen….she is a friend and was kind of kidding lol)….so i answere his correctly, drew a decent pic and sent it to him at turn 99 ….then Rich's battery died…..he has to get up way early in the morning so he wont be playing again tonight and will be on the road for the bulk of tomorrow….so now i am stuck waiting with baited breath to find out if i can break 100 turn streak until to.orrow evening aaarrrgggghhh!!!

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson Your coffee house sounds fun. 😉
    I think I read that they were doing an update soon for Draw Something and one of the features was to allow game streaks to go beyond 99. So… hope you can get to 100! Also, got your drawing where you sent it early. I did not see the comment until just now. I just sat in the drawing guessing words and finally got it! lol

  28. Allen Simpson says:

    Fantastic, well done +Scott Cramer i felt like such a jack ass after sending that …i do the note thing back and forth with a lot of people and have never dropped the ball like that before…but again kudos on the "WOW" pic.

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson Thank you, thank you, sir! Enjoying our drawings immensely. 🙂

  30. Allen Simpson says:

    There were probably 40 people at the coffee shoppe tonight and at least 10 of use were playing drawi.g with friends with each other …if you paid attention every now and then you could tell who was guessing whos pic because they would loom up make eye contact with that person and give the "what the hell?" Look….ps i bought a 4 pack of syli for me and others for 12$ on amazon and they help a lot.

  31. Kyla Myers says:

    I broke down and ordered a stylus yesterday. I need less fat fingered drawing!

  32. Allen Simpson says:

    The stylis isnt perfect but it lets you see where you are better the key to a solid smooth line is to go kinda slow it takes a bit to get used to it…but i love it.
    Ps my user name is
    allen5525 if anyone wants to play.

  33. Kyla Myers says:

    I am rather proud of my last two drawings for you gentlemen! 🙂

  34. Allen Simpson says:

    That Luke skywalker was amazing +Kyla Myers

  35. Kyla Myers says:

    Thank you, +Allen Simpson!

  36. Allen Simpson says:

    +Scott Cramer that was quite an interesting picture/movie for hanukkah ……im not sure i get the firts part with the devil …..so feel free to give me a little background.

  37. Scott Cramer says:

    Purely random +Allen Simpson . Purely random. 😉

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