
Hey +Keith Cramer, someone turned us into eggs! (C3PO and R2D2) 😉

Thanks +Wrecktify Gaming for the share and +IGN for the post!

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9 Responses to Egg-cellent!

  1. Amy Gabriel says:


  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Amy Gabriel Eggzactly!

  3. Stacey Gossett says:

    Amazing, wouldn't you say +Joey Esquivel

  4. Charlie Gartland says:

    It's no yoke…

  5. Grace Arreza says:

    So this was angry bird when they were not hatched yet? lol

  6. Keith Cramer says:

    Where's the slave princess leia egg??

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Ha ha +Keith Cramer.

  8. Feisal Kamil says:

    realistically, Jabba would have to be an ostrich's egg

  9. Joey Esquivel says:

    These are so cool! Yeah, I never had it this good… our easter eggs back in the day consisted of using my moms old pantyhose container which were egg shaped. Wonder if they still come in those plastic eggs?

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