Favorite Line of the day!

When I hear or read a statement that just absolutely takes the prize for the day, then it goes in the stream! Oh yeah, and none of that confusing context to get in the way. 😉

Line of the day is from +Jera Wolfe and goes a little something like this:

Aussies live upside down. That has to have some effect on their thoughts.

Previous lines of the day, any time day or night at http://goo.gl/Fa2HW

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2 Responses to Favorite Line of the day!

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Tagging previous recipients… +Heather Haywood (who started it all on her birthday) +Tiffany Wolfe +Kristi Fahlsing +Jim Gomes +Lady Fran W +Keith Cramer +Claudio Ibarra +Mary C. +Aldric Newberry +Roger Murley +Halfdan Reschat 

    I have not been reading as closely this past month… I am sure I missed some very likely candidates to be added! Thanks +Kari Tedrick for making sure +Jera Wolfe's comment did not slip through the cracks.

  2. Mary C. says:

    Context is for babies and little gurls.

    This tidbit of knowledge answers a few things! 😀

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