Hehe — There are moments when I delight in being a geek. Getting a laugh from this is one of them!
Thanks to +Carol Pietrantoni and +David Revilla for the original post.
Reshared post from +David Revilla
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When I need to clear my mind I recite the Fibonacci sequence as far as I can go without having to write it out.
+Dylon Long I am, sir, out-geeked.
It always eases my mind to know that there is demonstrative evidence of some sort of order in the world…. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89…..
Dylan, your very next post is about fact-checking. Did you fact-check this “fibonacci pigeons” thing? I for one am not 100% credulous. Sure, it looks to the eyeball that the spacing could be fib, but did any of us take a ruler and check? Could it have been photoshoppped? Could there be another explanation, like the marquee is curved and we just don’t see that from the camera’s POV? What exactly is the precision of the pigeon’s positions? Recall that the fib is integers, so the precision is infinite; this alone makes it extremely unlikely to occur in our fractal universe.