Fictional Spacecrafts We'd Like to Call Home

+Mz Maau's mothership is not listed! Oh, wait… that's not fictional. 😉

Thanks +David A. Warnick for the post!

Reshared post from +David A. Warnick

Really great fictional spacecrafts we would like to call home……8~)

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15 Fictional Spacecrafts We’d Like to Call Home – Flavorwire
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8 Responses to Fictional Spacecrafts We'd Like to Call Home

  1. Boudica Foster says:

    Some of them are a bit rustic for me.   9-)

  2. David Brown Eyes says:

    what an odd list.

  3. Jo Cavill says:

    Call me an old fashioned girl but nothing will beat the Millennium Falcon for me, it may be a rust bucket but it would be MY rust bucket 😀

  4. Jo Cavill says:

    Call me an old fashioned girl but nothing will beat the Millennium Falcon for me, it may be a rust bucket but it would be MY rust bucket 😀

  5. Paige D'Winter says:

    No Serenity? Egads!

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Paige D'Winter Agreed!

  7. David Brown Eyes says:

    I would rather live on many other space craft than the Death Star.  Serenity is already mentioned… and live on the Galactica?  ummm no thank you.

  8. Jo Cavill says:

    Of course you wouldn't want to live on the Death Star +David Brown Eyes, it has a bad track record for exploding & therefore would be as expensive as hell to insure! (plus you've got the ghost of the Emperor floating around, and a really bad pest problem in the trash compactor ;D)

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