For Players of Draw Something

I recently started playing Draw Something with +Kristi Fahlsing. I thought we were doing pretty darn good with our little stick figures, but take a look at these drawings I found!

These are from user "derekmcdonnell3" on the OMGPOP (maker of the game) forum. Link:

Also check out +Christopher Lira's post and shared circle for Draw Something players. 🙂 Link:

My username in the game is "ransackery" if you want to have a go!
Kristi is "Mz Taz" if you want to pick on her too. 😉


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19 Responses to For Players of Draw Something

  1. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Uh…wow. our drawings are put to shame…and yes I said our +Scott Cramer …no artists here!! LOL!

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    No arguments from me!!! ¯(°_o)/¯

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm guessing these are done on an iPad or other tablet where there is a bit more finger room to draw more details than on our smart phones! Either that, or a stylus is being used.

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    I figured out today…that my entire department plays this game! So…I found out a lot of things that I did not know…such as how to get more colors…and more bombs!

  5. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    nod. agreed! I'm sure if I had the size of an iPad or tablet screen to draw on…it may look a little better…not much mind you…but a little better than what I can do on my smart phone!

  6. Christopher Lira says:

    Those are awesome. Can't do that on a phone. Not with my fat fingers lol

  7. Aldric Newberry says:

    Think I'm going to add this tonight and see how it works..

  8. Melissa Mohland says:

    OMG I know! I see on the Draw Something facebook all of these amazing drawings and I feel like a second grader scribbling my stick men. I have no idea how they are able to do it. Amazing.

  9. Aldric Newberry says:

    I'm officially in..


  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Ready! Only new player I see tonight is "wasdstomp". Is that you?!

  11. Aldric Newberry says:

    I loaded this on my tablet so I'll have to play at night..

  12. Aldric Newberry says:

    Alright +Scott Cramer +Kristi Fahlsing .. I feel like I'm in 2nd grade art class..

  13. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    lol. 2nd grade, eh? I think my drawings…as u will figure out soon…are more from kindergarten art class!!

  14. Aldric Newberry says:

    Haha +Kristi Fahlsing I think I'm getting worse..

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    I think you both do pretty good! Kristi is still kidding me for my attempt at "sapphire". One, I made it red. Oops. Two, I drew a ring almost at the tip of the finger more like a bandaid. 😉

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    But… she drew a guy beating a dog with a tennis racket with no strings! Lol

  17. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    hey hey hey…just because you can't draw doesn't mean you need to pick on someone else's (less than) kindergarten artistry work! haha!

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    True true! My most humble apologies m'lady!

  19. Kaydie Wells says:

    I just added you on Draw Something. I'm SpazzyFANTASTIC.

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