G+ Easter Egg Hunt!

+Clayton Condon has a pretty cool project brewing. I hope that any of you reading will take a few minutes and get involved! I did! Please comment on Clayton's original post (http://goo.gl/elxqk) with questions!

+The Worldwide Easter Egg Hunt is this weekend and wants your participation! It only takes four simple steps:

1.) Pick any Easter Egg from Clker.com and add it to one of the pictures at the top of your profile (Scrapbook Photos).

2.) Reply to this post (http://goo.gl/elxqk) to let Clayton know you have done so, and he will add you to the 'Egg Hunt 2012' Circle!

3.) Start hunting with the hints provided (http://goo.gl/nyQlT) and keep note of the eggs you find! You will be provided with a circle of those participating in the hunt, to narrow down your search, this Easter weekend!

4.) When you find all 12 eggs fill out the form located here: http://goo.gl/onWCA

For More Info:

Circle the Official Page:

If you're on Schemer sign up here:

Other details to be announced. Watch the page!

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16 Responses to G+ Easter Egg Hunt!

  1. sunny coco austin says:


  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +sunny coco austin Now you *have* to go join! The bunny has seen you.

  3. sunny coco austin says:

    hw nd where?

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Follow the yellow brick road m'lady. Just read the above post. 🙂

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Emilio Boronali +Caroline Evebetty +Kristi Fahlsing +Damian Sanchez +Jera Wolfe +Kari Tedrick +Mz Maau +Laurie Morrison +Sheila Garl +Jake Marquart +Glenn Meisner +Jim Gomes +Lady Fran W +Jacqueline Hodsdon +Yvan Da Silva +Jun C +Allen Simpson +Aldric Newberry +Meirav Berale +Salvio Giglio +Nunzia Nullo +Becky Gimbert and if I forgot you it is only because one can only type so many tags without going insane. 😉

  6. Sheila Garl says:

    I'll be recovering from surgery…I won't know until Thursday how active I'll be this weekend. I'll check back in, I promise.

  7. Caroline Evebetty says:

    what is it for ? just being circled ? 🙂

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    I think a bit of fun, +Caroline Evebetty. Maybe +Clayton Condon can add more. 🙂

    +Sheila Garl Oh!!! Get better! This is all online so there are no requirements that would have your tromping through hill and dale! Just need your eyes and mouse hand. 😉

  9. Sheila Garl says:

    I suspect I will be sleeping a lot. 🙂

  10. Mz Maau says:

    Will check out later.

  11. Jun C says:

    Sounds like fun… gotta check it out in more detail later…

  12. Meirav Berale says:

    +Scott Cramer "without going insane"? where's the fun in that?

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    +Meirav Berale Totally give you permission to go insane. 🙂

  14. Meirav Berale says:

    +Scott Cramer thank you. I don't think I've ever been sane. anybody know what it's like? is it fun?

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    +Meirav Berale I can't imagine. I post giant pictures of Stormtrooper Easter Bunnies to help fellow G+'ers. No clue on sanity. 😉

  16. Mz Maau says:

    I hear it's highly overrated.

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