Smartphone and machine solve Rubik's cube in less than 6 seconds.
Can't you just see this at the local Toys-R-Us where they charge you a buck to "reset" your Rubik's cube? 😉 I'd love to know the level of tech and dollars that are in this.
Thanks +Giles Pettipher and +Erfun Kheirandish for the share!
Reshared post from +Erfun Kheirandish
A smartphone and a machine solve the Rubik's cube in less than 6 seconds.
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Looks like it's an Android app!
Agreed. Now I just need the little mini-death-star machine. 😉
I did a quick web search on this…looks like this thing is made out of LEGOS…pretty damn incredible.
wtf? Will be looking that up later! The turning arms and grips look industrial, so maybe just the shell…?
It's called the "CubeStormer II", and is made entirely from LEGOS, with a Samsung Galaxy S II! This is incredible:
CubeStormer II
Here's the best part…
"The app communicates via Bluetooth with software running on the ARM microprocessors in the LEGO NXT Intelligent Bricks which controls the motors driving the robot."
WTH??? These are NOT your father's LEGOS!
+Noel Kerns Thanks for the leg(os) work on the information! 😉 Going to cost it out later (when I should be working, like most of the time I'm on G+ lol)