Geeks and Repetitive Tasks

This is so true. What's awful, is that I find myself allowing repetitive tasks for users that I manage go on for a long time. As soon as I have to cover for them or sit down to troubleshoot what they are doing, THEN I want to automate the task so I don't have to deal with it. It's definitely a case where squeaky wheels win in my world. 😉

Thanks +Mike Clancy for the share and +TECHNICS ? for the post!

Reshared post from +TECHNICS ?

IT • PROGRAMMING • Geeks vs Non-Geeks

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9 Responses to Geeks and Repetitive Tasks

  1. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I do not quite agree with the illustration in that it indicates that the time spent is a bad things (aka. a loss). I often quite enjoy writing a script to automate a task more than a great many other things. This means that even if I spend more writing the script than it would take me to do the task manually, it is not a waste of time (the same goes for if I never use the script at all). I often prefer playing around with making a script to solve a specific task more than reading a book, watching a random TV show, reading the news paper, gardening, and a hell of a lot other things. It's something I enjoy doing and NEVER a waste of time for that exact reason, which a lot of people don't understand.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Well said +Halfdan Reschat. Well said!

  3. Chad Wilson says:

    I subscribe to Scrooge McDuck's motto: Work smarter, not harder. Scripting is a smart way to get work done for anything that needs to be done more than just a few times, as the graph indicates.

  4. Chad Wilson says:

    But, the graph seems be wrong at the end, where the non-geek "loses", they win because they then use the geek's scripts as if it was part of the plan the whole time. And, didn't have to do any of the mental work.

  5. Denny Locke says:

    But the Files didn't copy!!!!

  6. Chad Wilson says:

    +Denny Locke , That is because you forgot to append a TPS Cover Sheet to your copy request.

  7. Mai'ta L'yeya Nava says:

    I dub thee Sir Geeksalot… 😉

  8. Marcus Holloway says:

    I tried to explain this at my old work, but it was spoken to deaf ears. Why would you create the wheel continually when you can build something that builds … freeing you to do other, more creative things?

  9. Chad Wilson says:

    If you automate a task, you take away a manual task the allows lazier coworkers to continue to slack off on company time. For some, being busy is sufficinet, rather then being productive.

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