Girls' Bathroom Stall Note

Something so simple. I would like to think the person behind the note did it for sincere reasons and not to see it go viral on the interwebs. Curse my jaded brain. I choose to look at it with hope and mushy sentiment for humanity today.

Full text of the note (from the link below):

To the girl who was raped: You are so strong. I cannot fathom the pain you must have gone through. The fact that you have the bravery to write it (even on a bathroom wall) gives me hope.
To the girl with eating disorders: I promise you, although I don't know you, you are beautiful, you deserve your health. You deserve freedom from that hell.

To the girl with the alcoholic father: I am so sorry for the agony it must cause. Again, such courage is remarkable you must be such a strong person to see such pain.

To the girl whose father died: Missing them never goes away. The ache of their absence never goes away. But the love they had, the memories you share surely must last. I am sure, out of the bottom of my heart, the people who have left you in this world are exceptionally proud of the person you are.

Everytime(sic) I see these walls, these confessions, I feel so blessed to know I have the priviledge(sic) of seeing them. Your moments, these secrets, are all precious even though they are sad. To all of you (including those I did not mention, and those who have not yet written)
-You are worthy.
-You are strong.
-You are brave.
-You are loved.
-Somebody cares.

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6 Responses to Girls' Bathroom Stall Note

  1. Dirk Reul says:

    I believe in good people. I choose to believe this was done with good intentions and was heartfelt, thank you Scott.

  2. Jamie Fellrath says:

    This is really nice.  

    Boy… bathroom graffiti is another big way men differ from women.

  3. Kyla Myers says:

    It makes me sad that these women have nowhere else to unburden themselves than a bathroom stall. 🙁

  4. Alexandre Pellerin says:

    What were you doing in girl bathroom?

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Hey now! You don't keep your company's routers there?!

  6. Debbie Cowan says:

    +Scott Cramer +Kyla Myers It is very sad, I agree, but the girl who wrote that did not mention me. I went through all that it is true, but today I'm here to share my strength with you.

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