Google+ Birthday Glitch

Right off the bat, I hope that the right people see this! Thank you so much for sending a happy birthday my way. If I did not reply back to you, it's because Google+ keeps telling me that I have birthday wishes and shows me a big blue button that says "VIEW". But, whenever I click it, I see, "Sorry, we couldn't find any matches."

Appreciate all the good will from friends and not-yet-friends alike! Thank all of you for taking even a moment to make me smile (and blow up my notifications)!

EDIT: No hard feelings to Google. Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs. 😉

#HappyBirthdayScottCramer  err… #HappyBirthdayMe  ??? lol

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21 Responses to Google+ Birthday Glitch

  1. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I had that happen too.  It's buggy.  Try refreshing in an hour, or in the morning.

  2. Tara Mulder says:

    Happy birthday, Scott!

  3. Charles Strebor says:

    Happy birthday, Scott – hoping it's full of grandness.

  4. Ashlan Nathens says:

    A very happy birthday to you, Scott!

  5. Keith Cramer says:


  6. Cliff Loresco says:

    Happy Birthday +Scott Cramer!

  7. Sheighleigh Jo says:

    Happy B day, dude! #HappyBirthdayScottCramer

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tara Mulder +Charles Strebor +Ashlan Nathens +Cliff Loresco +Sheighleigh Jo Thank you all for sending birthday wishes my way! I am a lucky man!

  9. Deb Roscoe says:


  10. Damian Sanchez says:

    Wait…it's your birthday today +Scott Cramer ?

  11. Micha Fire says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY +Scott Cramer 

    make the best of the day that you can (and forget the buggy Goggle)

  12. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    My experience with this is: Google pops up a card saying "it's X's birthday, say happy birthday", so you do, and it notifies the person… BUT if you don't manually add the hashtag #happybirthday to the post, it won't show up. Which is a fail on Google's part, because it should automatically go in the post, but right now it's a manual thing.

  13. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Happy Birthday!!

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks +Deb Roscoe +Micha Fire +Bearman Cartoons! Thanks too +Daniela Huguet Taylor for the explanation! +Damian Sanchez lol, missed you earlier in the hangout dude!

  15. Damian Sanchez says:

    I am so sorry I couldn't be there. Glad to know fun was had by all.

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    Not to worry. I still have gum coming your way. 😉

  17. Keith Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez I tried to find you on the interwebz. You hide well.

  18. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Keith Cramer I wasn't hiding. I got all the notifications. I just wasn't able to answer the call. I haz a sad right now. 🙁 Still, opportunities for future hangouts and for me to put my foot in my mouth abound, amirite, +Scott Cramer ?

  19. Keith Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez sorry to hear it +Damian Sanchez. I hope you find a bandaid for that sad.

    You were missed. Tales of a gplusser who had to pull over in a mini van to enjoy a hangout were told today. 

    Until the next opportunity!

  20. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    I am sorry for the sad +Damian Sanchez. Happy thoughts being sent your way!

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    You are right +Damian Sanchez! Take care… if there is anything this motley crew can do, please message, 'k?

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