Mister Hellraiser +Emilio Boronali himself! 😉
No, I'm not calling him a pinhead. Never even thought of it. Not once. Really! Well, okay, maybe a fleeting thought. But, hey, I'm not messing with the dude from Hellraiser. I want to keep my flesh securely attached to my skeleton!
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So Fucking Brilliant! (Reminder: never drink coffee while gazing at G+ stream…)
Must add to +Schemer : Be G+ mashed by +Scott Cramer
Hm… +Tiffany Henry Ideas are now forming…… Or could be the lack of sleep. No, definitely ideas…… 😉
+Scott Cramer I swear, this weekend I start drawing "Scott's got a plan!" as already discussed… Will be G+ Masterpiece!
awaits her G+ mashing by +Scott Cramer patiently
+Tiffany Henry That sounds kinda dirty. 😉
+Scott Cramer maybe I meant for it to sound that way? +That's What She Said !
+Tiffany Henry LOL, you are going to get me in trouble with +Kristi Fahlsing 😉 Whoa, that phrase brings back memories. I totally overused that back in college; used to drive my friends nuts. hehe
Looking at this picture and feeling bad for my neck, I am reminded of the acupuncture therapy!
+Salvio Giglio I don't think they are supposed to use that many pins!
OH MY!!!! Ummm what do you do to people you DON'T like +Scott Cramer…… WAIT!!!!! NO!!! Forget I asked …. REALLY just FORGET I asked, I'm SURE I just DO NOT wanna know!!!! Yep, TOTALLY SURE!!!