My gang can beat up your community. 'Nuff said.
Looks like +Carrie Canup in her Power Rangers uniform rounded up a Village People tribute band comprised of +Dirk Reul and +Andrew Clifton-Brown and formed the first Google+ Gang. Pretty soon everyone will be rumbling! 😉
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Wow!! Apparently, when you're a leather daddy, you're a leather daddy all the way…
Wouldn't mess with Carrie. My ninja skills are weak in comparison!
Bwahahahahahahaha…. I don't even know where to start with all of the marvelous that I see here.  The way Carrie looks so vulnerable… That smile on Dirk… Pretty much the entirety of Andrew…  TKO sir… LMAO
The look on +Carrie Canup 's face is, "I'm gonna kick your ass, but feel really bad about it"
I have such good clay to work with around here. 😉
Now this works!
+Beth Revels I would so not feel bad about it! Don't bee mislead by the visage….
So the look is more "come close, I'm cute and harmless, POW!"
Pretty much
…I'm a little concerned with the fact that +Dirk Reul is leaning toward the back side of me and we can't see his other arm…..kind of alters the facial expression a bit….like "what is that?"
Oh, that Dirk! 😉
It's likely a latte…
I've heard about those coffee suppositories….sure to give you some zing
Lol whoa!
+Tracy Holmes have you seen this?
So many lil time. Just..smh. lol
Make the bad man stop!
Wow. I look better here than I do in real life… 😉
So, I am of course only helping +Carrie Canup with her posture, you know, all those years of martial arts training and.. stuff..
What a team!
Sorry, *gang*
+Andrew Clifton-Brown With this mustache, you remind me of Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters. 🙂
You know you want me Kramer!
But I know you belong to the world…