Gregory Porter – "Be Good (Lion's Song)"

I discovered this song for the first time earlier this evening. Wow. Jazz/soul is not my norm but this is incredible! The video amps up my praise for this song even more.

From YouTube:
"Be Good" is the first video from Jazz singer Gregory Porter's critically acclaimed album of the same name.

Shot entirely on location in Baltimore, Maryland, director Pierre Bennu visually compliments Porter's intense lyrics and smooth, soulful vocals with vibrant colors and whimsical storytelling, and sets it all against Charm City's unique backdrop. As two lovers traverse their everyday lives amidst the mundane, Bennu draws on the power of everyday magic, the fear of loss, and the yearning for love in what he calls a "lullaby for your inner child." 

"The dance of love is something that can be done alone but it is also fun with somebody else," says Bennu. "I wanted to show two characters; one who was so busy dancing alone, never looking to have a partner… and another so desperate for love that he would do whatever it took to get it. What that character finally realizes is that all he needed to offer forth was himself."

To compliment his artistic vision, Bennu tapped the talents of Baltimore-based multidisciplinary visual artist Dirk Joseph, whose 'magical props' add significantly to the video's playful and enchanting sensibility.

From an interview with Porter:
"Be Good" is a beautiful song. Is there a personal story behind it?

Yes. I remember riding home on my bike from the breakup with this woman who I call Be Good, and I was feeling like I needed a consoling lullaby, which is what “Be Good” is, a grown man’s lullaby. I was still strong, but in a way I was vulnerable. As soon as I got home, I started to write the song. She admired me as you would a lion at the circus, and she marveled at me, and she always told me I was great, but she kept me in this friend cage. She admired my mane and my roar, but never enough so that she allowed me to roam around and be free and love her like I wanted to when I wanted to. It was always when it was convenient for her, during visiting hours at the zoo.

Full article:

Thanks +Bill Abrams? for introducing me to this artist, song, and video. ?

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