"Hello, this is my dad."

Those were the words my daughter, the videographer, led with earlier tonight when we killed Rudolph at Walmart.

It all started innocently enough, as these things do. I told my daughter and her friend to stand by the giant blow up Rudolph so I could take a picture. Afterwords, I thought, perhaps we could pick up one of the giant reindeer feet and maybe one of the girls could lay down underneath. You know, "daughter and friend got run over by a reindeer" shot. That's when things went awry… Moving the leg too far caused a deflation effect. I tried to prop Rudolph up but he kept coming down on my head. Daughter's friend tried to help and my daughter, with instincts just like mine, said, "I'm going to videotape this!"

Suffice to say, the last words of this video are me, spoken over a shaky video of running feet, saying, "Let's go! Let's go… We just killed Rudolph!"

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26 Responses to "Hello, this is my dad."

  1. Kimberly Chapman says:

    OMG I am wiggle-cam dizzy but still amused…

  2. Sheila B. DuBois says:


  3. Kryptyk Physh says:

    What did we learn from Mr. Kramer today, kids? That's right, "No problem is too big to run away from"!

    You're an inspiration to us all. 😀

  4. Olivio Sarikas says:

    Oh, that´s the brother of Rudolph. He is called "Spiff the Deeeeerrrrr Looooord, that´s good weed. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" 😉

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you sir. Tomorrow I shall shave so as not to look like that crazy gentleman in the Walmart security videos. Whom I do not know.

  6. Kryptyk Physh says:

    I'm pretty sure there are other Kramers out there you could blame it on.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer did it.

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks Physh!

  9. Kryptyk Physh says:

    You're welcome.

  10. Sheila B. DuBois says:

    +Scott Cramer  sureeeeee  always blame it on the sibling

  11. Kryptyk Physh says:

    Isn't that what siblings are? Basically, backups?

  12. Halfdan Reschat says:

    This amuses me a great deal as the first thing I see after waking up.

    Since this post is public, searching for "killed Rudolph at Walmart" (with quotes) will as soon as this post is indexed only show this post as result. Just something to think about.

  13. Jyoti Dahiya says:

    Not indexed yet. Run, Scott, run!

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    I see what you did there… Run, Rudolph, run! Run, Scott, run! Very clever lyric switcheroo +Jyoti Dahiya 😉

    +Halfdan Reschat _"killed Rudolph at Walmart"_ is a search term I shall be very proud of, indeed!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    +Emilio Boronali +Jim Gomes +Jake Marquart 😉

  16. Rhonda Stewart says:

    but it's not Rudolph. The nose would be red.

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    It's Walmart. He's in disguise. 😉

  18. Rhonda Stewart says:

    be vewy vewy qwiet. we are hunting weindeer.

  19. Sheila B. DuBois says:

    +Scott Cramer  that explains why he popped!      

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    I just can't not play with things.

  21. Sheila B. DuBois says:

    +Scott Cramer  from what I have seen with your girls you really have a good time don't you!

  22. Scott Cramer says:

    I try. 🙂

  23. Keith Cramer says:

    +Kryptyk Physh +Sheila B. DuBois It's true. I am like sneaking coyote-mouse, anticipating moves of sibling-pack for to make job of sabotage.

  24. Jim Gomes says:

    +Scott Cramer I can never watch your videos on mobile. They only go to a still picture. Not sure what's up with that. Anyway, I hope you got your hunting permit in the outdoor section before you harvested this reindeer.

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    Meijer, here I come!

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