Historical Events as told by the Historical Facebook

Kind of old… but I stumbled across it this morning and it still made me chuckle. I think most of us can remember that old social networking site, Facebook, back before Google+. 😉

Looking at Facebook now is like looking at old cheesy photos from the 70's where I wore embarrassing clothes my mom bought me from K-Mart. Good for a laugh now, but never going back!!!

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If Historical Events had Facebook Statuses | Cool Material
If historical events had Facebook statuses

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6 Responses to Historical Events as told by the Historical Facebook

  1. krishnamurthi ramachandran says:

    History speakes itself., Face book is still popular among us., Now a days, face book friendship status are short lived.,
    Google+is a new social website had a bright picture., still, google+ can bring more attractive apps for writers, singers, film directors&editors& to many uncovered sections to boost its image in long run.,

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +krishnamurthi ramachandran So, what you are saying is… Google+ rocks! 😉 hehe

  3. Micah Weltsch says:

    I haven't seen a lot of these before! This is pretty good!

  4. krishnamurthi ramachandran says:


  5. Jake Marquart says:

    facebook, more like DICKcoats, amirite?

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jake Marquart lmao… wtf?

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