It's a G+ Mystery!

Well, not to me. I know the answer. A fellow G-plusser broke through from the virtual world and made it into my dreams for the first time last night.

Who was it?

What happened? It was PG!

So many possibilities!

Oh yeah… Winner gets a prize. hehe

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99 Responses to It's a G+ Mystery!

  1. Mezza May says:

    LOL! DO you know what? I have had dreams about G+ people …but I can't tell you who it was or what happened because it was a bit controversial

  2. Carrie Canup says:

    This has happened to me.  Repeatedly.  Same person each time.  No idea about the trigger.

  3. Dirk Reul says:

    .. Oh I have been there.. more than once.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Is controversial a euphemism +Mezza May? 😉

    +Carrie Canup Umm… +Charlie Hoover doesn't count! lol

    +Dirk Reul Why am I not surprised?!

    So… no guesses yet? hehehe

  5. Dirk Reul says:

    .. I do have some ideas.. but this is a public post.. 😛

  6. Mezza May says:

    Actually, better clarify, don't want it to sound like a gang bang or anything…was just one G+ person, hahahaha!

  7. Dirk Reul says:

    rimshot +Mezza May !

  8. J. Hancock says:

    it's my seeing eye Chihuahua, isn't it?  those eyes are so mesmerizing, you just sat and gazed into them until your resolve melted.  right?  =]

  9. Dirk Reul says:

    Not that we would be judging if if had been a gang bang of course. We are very sex positive here 🙂 Also deviants <_<

  10. Noelle Marchbanks says:


  11. Mezza May says:

    +Dirk Reul shush will you, lol

  12. Brent York says:

    +Mezza: So then you admit there was banging involved… just not gang-banging XD.

  13. Noelle Marchbanks says:

    +Dirk Reul sex positive > HIV positive.

  14. Dirk Reul says:

    +Noelle Marchbanks ???

  15. Carrie Canup says:

    Mweh.  Just realized that I have dreamt of 2 plussers.  1 was a repeat customer.  The other, just the once…

    Charlie was not involved.

  16. Dirk Reul says:

    Well, that would have been weird, Carrie 😛
    I can say that mine were not unexpected. But very welcome and sometimes, very weird. I often dream of people I talk a lot to.

  17. Carrie Canup says:

    Yeah, I still am having issues with one of them because…reasons….

  18. Charlie Hoover says:

    No worries I have had one or two myself…=P

  19. Mezza May says:

    +Brent York lol, hang on, sometimes there can be sexual tension, even in a dream, doesn't have to be full on bonking…there was no bonking, woke up before that bit LOL
    I have had weird dreams about all kinds of people that I don't even FANCY… like Eric Clapton for example

  20. Mezza May says:

    +Carrie Canup hehehe! Repeat customers? Did they not pay up? 😀

  21. Dirk Reul says:

    In that particular case, I am sure there was a lot of nice Whiskey involved +Mezza May 😛

  22. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I've had dreams about many of you many times.  Happens mostly after hangouts.

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    Lol… okay, mine was strictly PG. But have learned some interesting tidbits…

  24. Carrie Canup says:

    I dreamt quasi-sexual about the repeat customer…..everything else was pretty normalish…for my dreams…

  25. Dirk Reul says:

    It .. was a trap, to lure us here and make us reveal our deep dark secrets +Scott Cramer ???

    Well played, Sir. Well played indeed.

  26. Mezza May says:

    +Scott Cramer have you corroborated those interesting tidbits?

  27. Mezza May says:

    +Dirk Reul yes! +Scott Cramer just wanted us to spill the beans on our dirty dreams! I dreamt that I kissed Jim Morrison and his tongue was like a cold piece of wafer thin ham, so what?!

  28. Bogdan-Adrian ?TEFAN says:

    This should go like: You know you're addicted to Google+ when you dream of people there.

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    Not intentional +Dirk Reul. 🙂

    Edited the comment stream a bit… sorry if any of your comments got hit. We were rapidly heading to the back of the video store behind the curtain door. Lol

  30. Scott Cramer says:

    P.s., never eating ham again.

  31. Mezza May says:

    No I didn't either, for a while

  32. Dirk Reul says:

    .. I will eat ham just to prove I can! 
    No wait, that is stupid 😛

  33. Damian Sanchez says:

    I've had dreams of being on G+, but never of anyone in particular from G+.

    So, +Scott Cramer , when is the big reveal? Inquiring minds want to know!

  34. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez Lol… later perhaps. I am somewhat traumatized at the moment; being an innocent angel and all. 😉

  35. Dirk Reul says:


  36. Mezza May says:

    OK, I'm guessing that +Scott Cramer had a dream …and it was his extra special and wonderful birthday comic strip in technicolour with full dolby surround sound ! Am I right?!"

  37. Theo Von Druessel says:

    Probably +Shawn Holster

  38. Charlie Hoover says:

    Wait… Video store? What's that?

  39. Scott Cramer says:

    I iz old.

  40. Dirk Reul says:

    Betamax or VHS, Scott?

  41. Sandra Berkshier says:

    +Kimberly Chapman I had a dream that I was hosting the Oscars. I was doing a horrible job, but Hugh Jackman was there and during short filming breaks I would run to you and gush about him.

  42. Keith Cramer says:

    Nope, no G+ dreams… just nightmares.  ;-p

  43. Charlie Hoover says:

    +Dirk Reul Nah he's more hip than that… It's a laserdisc shop…=)

  44. Dirk Reul says:

    How fancy! 😛

  45. Beth Revels says:

    I have very strange dreams. We could do a dream mashup. One of my dreams the other night involved a helicopter landing in an apartment, through the window. XD
    I iz curios who you are dreamin abouts.

  46. Isabelle Fortin says:

    I dream of Plussers all the time !

  47. Micha Fire says:

    I dream of all the people I have a closer "connection" with – real life and internet 
    most times things that were bothering during daytime and did not get worked out; nothing special about that

  48. Jim Gomes says:

    Oh hai! Im in ur dreamz!

  49. Kimberly Chapman says:

    +Sandra Berkshier I like your dreams. 😀

    BTW, not kidding, I routinely joke that I know either Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert as friends.  Like, casual, every day friends.  They will just be there in other dreams as people I know.  Oh, and Colbert is out of character, his real self.  There's no "omg I'm talking to this famous person!" reaction or anything…just people I know.

    I don't have this routinely with any other celebrity.

  50. Keith Cramer says:

    I'm going to try my best to dream about all of you tonight. Especially you +Jim Gomes.

    I think I'll make a book of everyone's profiles and read it before I go to sleep. Yeah..

  51. Tara Mulder says:

    Not creepy at all, +Keith Cramer.  :p

    But may I suggest recording the profile contents, so that you can play it on loop as you sleep?

  52. Scott Cramer says:

    He sleeps with an 8×10 of +Wil Wheaton under his pillow.

  53. Tara Mulder says:

    +Scott Cramer, doesn't everyone?  Well, the size may vary, I suppose.

  54. Scott Cramer says:


  55. Keith Cramer says:

    +Tara Mulder genius! 

    Hmmm… thinking my wife might think that dreaming about G+ users isn't as cool as I do.

  56. Kyla Myers says:

    +Scott Cramer, I bet you were dreaming about +Andrew Clifton-Brown in that sexy Afro of his. Do you need brain bleach?

  57. Keith Cramer says:

    No more brain bleach for +Scott Cramer. It's starting to have  long term side effects.

  58. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Damn I'm hot!

  59. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Keith Cramer I don't think it's the brain bleach that's causing those side effects. #IJS

  60. Scott Cramer says:

    Hint… the person is definitely snarky. That should narrow it down… lol

  61. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Did you dream that you and I had to go and convince an irish Brad Pitt to take part in a boxing match?

  62. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Careful about invoking +Wil Wheaton
    I saw on Reddit that if you say his name 3 times in a comment thread he sometimes shows up.

  63. Scott Cramer says:

    +Beetlejuice +Beetlejuice +Beetlejuice lol

  64. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I thought we were all part of +Wil Wheaton's dream.

  65. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Oops now you've done it. I wonder if he'll show up. Lol

  66. Kyla Myers says:

    It wouldn't be the first time we brought +Beetlejuice into our conversation.

  67. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Fuck, now I'm thinking of [word that means treat made out of sugar][man] and back to wondering if thinking it three times is enough to end up eviscerated.

  68. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, because I don't believe you when you say it was "PG" I don't even want to begin to consider who or what.

  69. Charlie Hoover says:

    Perhaps in this case PG means Porn-Grade? O_o

  70. Matt Ingrouille says:

    +Scott Cramer are you going to ever reveal the who, what, where to us?

  71. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I think he dreamed of a freaky threeway with +Fluffy McSharkah Khan and +EcoSnark, and he's traumatized because he can't figure out which one he lost more blood to…

  72. Scott Cramer says:

    Lol. Will post later (late) or tomorrow. Then start a Kickstarter to pay for her therapy.

  73. Tara Mulder says:

    "Her."  Hmm, not +Wil Wheaton then.

  74. Beth Revels says:

    Has "she" commented on this post?

  75. Scott Cramer says:

    Oops. 😉 No… but it could be the time difference.

  76. Damian Sanchez says:

    Ooh, the intrigue builds…

  77. Scott Cramer says:

    All is revealed…

  78. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Ah I'm going to take the p*ss out of her royally about this!

  79. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown Ha, you just try mate!…the dirt I have on you…… <wicked grin>

    +Scott Cramer No kickstarter for therapy needed… I made my last two therapists cry so I'm blacklisted.

  80. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Gah.  I'll just spread rumours and say the came from +Scott Cramer 🙂

  81. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Ok… in that case, any rumours that get spread, whoever from, I shall take my vengeance on you +Andrew Clifton-Brown.

    C'mon folks – this is basically a free pass! 😉

  82. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    😛  Crap.  I'm a deadman limping!

  83. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    You're only limping?… hmm, I guess my voodoo isn't as strong as I thought.

  84. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    It's getting worse you jaffa cake Witch, if that helps?

  85. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Hehe… I believe my latest post answers your question.

  86. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Next shoot.  I'm bringing sweets and eating them in front of you!

  87. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Aww, I think it's sweet you're trying 🙂

  88. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    No jelly babies for you next time!

  89. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    We shall see…we shall see little one!

  90. Scott Cramer says:

    They are like brother and sister! 😉

  91. Kyla Myers says:

    Mmm, Jaffa cakes…

  92. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    She is like a brother to me. Hairy knuckles, etc… 😉

  93. Kyla Myers says:

    She's your brother
    She's your sister
    all rolled into one

    She'll kick your ass
    at breakfast
    and she's only just begun

    By dinnertime
    she'll tuck you in
    and kiss you on the head

    Sleep with one eye open
    and don't forget your sister
    Just might kill you in that bed

  94. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    +Kyla Myers!… dang, are you sure you're not a younger sibling?! I want you on my side – that's awesome 😀

  95. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    worthy of the Dragon lady herself +Kyla Myers!  btw, send us a pic of the Dr Print.  I have no idea who big the print was that I ordered 😛

  96. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Heh… I wonder if it's bigger or smaller than he thought.


  97. Kyla Myers says:

    It's hoooooge!

  98. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    There you go +Andrew Clifton-Brown! And you thought a female would never say that to you… 😉

  99. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    No silly, I said I hope a she male never says that to me!

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