This is like passing out on Red Bull and waking up inside an '80's video game to discover the contents of your brain were exploded into the air, given life, and turned into cartoons that compel you to follow them with a siren song vaguely reminiscent in part to the opening of Doctor Who. Whoa.
I am somewhat worried my brain might have been reprogrammed in unimaginable ways. Watch on your largest monitor, full screen, and in highest resolution. "It's much better than Cats. I will watch it again and again…" 😉
Thanks to +Steven Vargas and +Amon Paike for the original post!
Reshared post from +Amon Paike
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PERFECT if you have Google TV
Oh, I'm totally going to port it from the laptop via HDMI to the 47" TV. Fun fun.
why is perfect for google tv???
Because it would be on a bigger screen…
left with inexplicable need to eat cheesecake and a desire to kill hello kitty.
Leave poor kitty alone… +Rhonda Stewart you are a hypnotherapist?
yes, Steven. I am, and I'm dying to see if I can make someone have tourettes syndrome. just kidding. well, maybe.
heh… ever thought of using hangouts for long distance sessions?
I have not, but I do sessions on the phone. the visual is distracting and unnecessary. speaker phone and you're all set.
ah… that makes sense… Well, if you put up a page, let me know…
website in the works. is in the process of being set up. thanks for the interest!