Truly classic skit. 🙂
This is how we should all celebrate pi day. 314 pies apiece! My first target would be a toss-up between +Keith Cramer and +Emilio Boronali. Quickly followed by +Kristi Fahlsing, +Caroline Evebetty, +Kari Tedrick (perhaps will move her to first), +Jim Gomes, +Halfdan Reschat (with a Star Wars pie), +Jun C, +Allen Simpson, OMG… I could keep plussing for quite a while… I would get you all. bwahahaha!!! 😉
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I'm ready for that Star Wars pie. Just know that it will be retaliated.
LOL!! Oh, how I miss slapstick comedy. So awesome! 😀
Hm…not very good odds for you +Scott Cramer …all of us against u!!!
{ducks and runs}
Banana Coconut Cream Pi, please. It's my fav. mmmmmmmmm.
Seriously, I'm gonna get creamed. But some of you are going down with me! {evil laughter}
And… wonder what would be in a Star Wars pie?
I think you get Force choked first, and then they mash it in your face when your mouth is open.
+Scott Cramer, how about a Star Wars meat-pie made with Ewok meat? I could sink my teeth into one of those.
+Jim Gomes +Halfdan Reschat I think both. 😉
Hmmm.. next year. Pie fight hangout. No Ewok pies please.
I'll start stocking up on whip cream now.
In all seriousness though, I would LOVE to be involved in a ginormous pie fight. Someone needs to bring on a pie fight HIRL. If it's close to Fort Wayne, I would soooo be there.
No, seriously. I want to have a pie fight. And NO, that does not mean you get to come in tomorrow and smash me in the face with a pie +Scott Cramer
+Scott Cramer, you know what to do.
Actually I think the next Cramer brother "off" should be a "pie-off" ;and thanks for posting this hilarious video which defies the myth that only men laugh at the 3 Stooges +Scott Cramer and hello +Keith Cramer long time no "see"!
Happy pi day guyz! Ha! Sorry couldn't join in the festivities today! Had a real busy day at work today, now I'm on my way to Vegas! 😉
Hey +Jun C – With G+, what happens in Vegas doesn't have to stay in Vegas! Just sayin'! 😉
Ha! We'll see +Scott Cramer … can't have anything incriminating out on the interwebz! 😉
+Jun C Wha?! You can totally trust us! {minimizes the Photoshop window} 😉
HAHAHA! Of course I can brotha!
I'm sure Photoshop wouldn't be necessary. It's Vegas.
+Halfdan Reschat I see one pie at the office today, I'm gone. 🙂