For his role in hosting a six hour hangout for the Star Wars Costume Contest punishment (, +Keith Cramer and I have sent a package of miscellaneous munchies to +Halfdan Reschat in Denmark. To mark this auspicious international junk food junket, I created an early morning user mashup just for our pal Halfdan. 😉
#gplususermashup #moviemashuptuesday
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
His… 'package'…?
Don´t wanna talk about anybody´s package…
+Thomas Le Pew He's Danish. They do that.
That is definitely scrumdidilyumptious! Now I want to send a fun pack to +Halfdan Reschat, some Tx stuff!
Hehe… So, you ARE awake Miss +Kyla Myers! I shall put down my Sharpies!
So far as shipping to Denmark, argh! We had to downsize the original box we wanted to send. Ended up using a USPS Priority Large box and fit in what we could fit in. 6-10 business days, and Halfdan gets a bunch of crap from the USA. It will be interesting to hear his reaction to how good or lame it is. 😉
Of course I'm still awake. 😛
What will be funny is if he opens the box and can get any of the things we put in there at his local grocery. #fail
Great poster and I'm very much looking forward to seeing what "crap from the USA" you've decided to send to me.
Freight was killer or there would have been more. ;-D
+Scott Cramer, sending stuff cross the Atlantic isn't cheap. This is also why I try to resist buying awesome stuff from the US too often; even the cheap stuff. I've a few times payed twice as much for delivery as for the product itself, which then still was cheaper than buying it here in Denmark.
We need to piggy back on a cargo freighter.
+Halfdan Reschat its only some of the best stuff! =) and was an awsome packing and taping job to =)
+Christy Pemberton, that sounds great!
Can you guess who taped?
hmmm my hair may be included hahaha
+Scott Cramer, I may be wrong but I think +Christy Pemberton just gave it away.
Halfdan may make a voodoo doll of you!
+Christy Pemberton, that means I can clone you! Muhahahha!
+Scott Cramer, or that.
Hm… so many directions to take that…….
hmmmm a clone of me already walks around! only a smaller version! =) and a doll of me is just a lil creepy!
+Christy Pemberton Take all the help you can get. I'm hearing rumors of a Zombie attack in your office!
oh good god with these cramer boys work is so much fun! =)
It's never a dull moment with them around!
oh you only get internet version of them! =) i get it internet and in person! =) Its never a dull moment for sure!
I can imagine. I'm the one up with them at 3am. Crazy times!
Halfdan… I am liking this whole clone idea.
I'm sorry, but there can only be one +Scott Cramer and one +Keith Cramer. The world could not survive multiple instances.
Just think of the contests!
Oh I am, +Scott Cramer, trust me, I am!
Package received!