Mkses sense when you read the comic


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9 Responses to Mkses sense when you read the comic

  1. Halfdan Reschat says:


  2. LaDonna Pride says:

    LOL! classic!

  3. Mary C. says:

    evil giggles and snorts

  4. John Poteet says:


  5. Kyla Myers says:

    So true!

  6. Don Moody says:

    Considering the amazing amount of whining about spelling on the net it often appears as if Internet media is only for the educated. It's especially weird to me because the intent of the comment or post is often delivered regardless of the error.

    There's not much that I despise more than an "intellectual bully" they remind me so much of the contract creators of today. Contract creators like my mobile provider and my Internet service provider.

    Yep, no diplomas here…lol.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Don Moody Exactly. In informal communication, I think there is some wiggle room. I'm always saying to coworkers, "Doesn't matter. Communication has been accomplished." When we make the rules too stringent, I think we lose a lot of people who just never post or comment for fear of looking foolish.

  8. J. Hancock says:

    I scared spell check off my computer with all the latin I type. I know it still reside in here somewhere, quivering in its boots, but I don't care to find it. I rely on my own knowledge and a Google window when necessary.
    oh, and I have friends who will pull the nails out when i get crucified for a typo. LOL!

  9. Jake Marquart says:

    Ha! Their funny

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