On my birthday Sunday, I was surprised with a nice get-together at my brother +Keith Cramer's house that +Kristi Fahlsing totally walked me into and I had no clue! Aside from the family and friends in the house, there were two G+ hangouts live going on at one side of the room.
Among the dozen or so participants was one +Jo Lane sitting with her man +David Mills. Jo, if you are unfamiliar, has been a part of several fun G+ projects; both #10MinuteHero where users dressed as heroes and villains, and #InternationalTakeAPictureUnderYourDeskDay where users took pictures of themselves under their desks and posted them, of which Jo was the first and got the whole thing rolling.
During the hangout conversation, I said something about a pending G+ project that was on the back burner. It's at this point that I should have noticed my foot levitating from the floor and heading toward my mouth. The next words I uttered, meant to honor Miss Lane, were, and I quote exactly,
"It takes someone like Jo to get under the desk and get me started!"
Worse yet, as the blood rushed to my face and I doubled over in embarassed "can not believe I just said that" laughter, Jo and David coincidentally left the hangout. Additionally, due to some audio problems, they never actually heard me say it! After apologizing in a message later, she replied to me, "Said what?" So… here 'ya go, Jo.
And… Thanks for the birthday excitement! 😉
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yep….proof positive we are related :D:D:D
It was a precious moment and I'm glad I was there to witness it.
+LaDonna Pride We'll have so much fun telling stories at our next family reunion! Has the fam announced where we are going yet? 😉
+Halfdan Reschat You are like The Watcher (http://goo.gl/q3cdf), except for the whole getting involved thingy. Reference for +Andrew Clifton-Brown especially. 😉
That just made me laugh out loud on my own for a full 5 minutes 😀
Thanks for the public apology +Scott Cramer but none was needed, even if I (&/or +David Mills) had heard that live you would have got the same laughter filled response – and I'm glad my under the desk action gets you going ;D
+Scott Cramer last I heard they were thinking Santa's village might keep us all entertained…..they just have to work out how to get around the lifetime ban that pertains to a few family members. 😀
Yep. Scott went in hiding after that statement and was so worried he offensed either you or David.
Worried him so much that he even brought it up later in the car.
Oh no 🙁 I'm so sorry that our coincidental exit caused that reaction, I hope it didn't mar the birthday fun!
+Jo Lane No, I was reasonably certain I was okay… considering how I got to know you on G+. 😉 But, I did not want David sending any of those killer snowmen after me that you constructed! 😉
+LaDonna Pride There was absolutely NO sign with age limit about sitting on Santa's lap.
Nice 😉 +Scott Cramer you can say categorically that you are adored mate 🙂
Damm i knew i should have stayed!!!!!
No, I was reasonably certain I was okay… considering how I got to know you on G+. 😉
Ummm… I think that foot is getting closer to your mouth again +Scott Cramer ;P
It's okay +Jo Lane. You were young, and needed the money… nobody will judge. 😉
oops! hehehe, foot in mouth is common, thankfully most people know us better!
And… minds out of the gutter people. http://goo.gl/GF9No
aww, but it was getting comfortable there 😉
Firstly that is all Hilarious!!! Dont worry +Scott Cramer I will not be sending the Snowmen to you even though I am currently half snowed in at work and have enough snow to make an army of them. Glad it didnt ruin your day just wish we had seen you going nice a red 😉
+David Mills Get out before the other half comes +David Mills! Just think, "Melting…" http://goo.gl/UMHpa 😉
And… I'm sure it was a very nice shade of red, indeed!
And, for the record, please note that I did not say anything about how wonderful her cookies are. 😉
+Scott Cramer, apophasis!
Hey! I never once said they melt in your mouth.