Necronomicon Pizza

As the chef calls it, The Gastronomicon! I would totally eat that. However, you have to order it JUST right, or there'll be heck to pay. "One Klaatu Barada Nikto pizza please!"

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10 Responses to Necronomicon Pizza

  1. James Hamel says:


  2. Kyla Myers says:

    Eat it before it eats you!

  3. Salvio Giglio says:


  4. James Hamel says:

    damn.  forgot to use my MATA LO!  comment.

  5. James Hamel says:

    or in this case COMIDA LO

  6. Salvio Giglio says:

    Now I go to my dinner! See You next day +Scott Cramer and tanks far all! :-)))

  7. Rhonda Stewart says:

    You should get to have a drink with Bruce Campbell with a pizza this great.

  8. Kaydie Wells says:


  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Sauce… Pizza… Awesome… Sauce… I see what you did there +Kaydie Wells! 😉

  10. Kaydie Wells says:

    BAHAHAHA!!  Yes… 

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