Newly Available Art Prints by Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado

The most modest plug I have ever seen. Although I have seen him asked many times what paintings he has available for prints, artist +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado just announced new works available in a comment on a post from over a month ago.

His comment, "So here comes my shameless plug in. If anyone is interested in prints of my work I have uploaded several of my latest paintings on fineartamerica and deviantart."

If you are a fan, like I am, or someone who just appreciates good and honest talent coupled with humility and an all-around good nature, please take a look at Eduardo's work. Also, let's plug it for him! Visit his stream and share something you enjoy. You can also share this post if it is easier; I am not trolling for personal shares, though.

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10 Responses to Newly Available Art Prints by Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado

  1. Salvio Giglio says:

    Oh this artist is very very good Mr +Scott Cramer.. good evening and I wish you a great week! 😀

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Hi +Salvio Giglio! Yes, he is quite good. 🙂

  3. Salvio Giglio says:

    Last year You post some works of +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado and I liked the force of colurs of his painting… For example this work seem paint with fire and wather! Awesome effect very subgestive!

  4. Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado says:

    WOW Thank you so much +Scott Cramer for sharing this! 🙂

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado If ordering a standard rolled print, what would be the size that would be most representative of the original work? Then, how would you recommend it be matted and framed to best represent how you see your work?

  6. John Kampsen says:

    Great post, +Scott Cramer, of one of my favorite artists and people here on G+ !

  7. Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado says:

    Thank you +John Kampsen! 🙂
    Well +Scott Cramer  especially for this work, it is the biggest one I have, so I guess the bigger the better, I do suggest a white matte because the paintings are already so colorful and busy. And the frame I personally like darker toned frames but I really think it depends on where you are going to put the art piece, if the frame goes with the surroundings. I think those would be my recommendations.

  8. Tazein Mirza Saad says:

    Beautiful! +Scott Cramer

  9. Kyla Myers says:

    Such beautiful work. I hadn't seen the ballerina before and I absolutely love it!

  10. Debbie Cowan says:

    This is absolutely beautiful. I would make this 24×36 with light orange, and deep taupe the word escapes me but it would enhance the framework the I would do in mahogany with gold sponge prints in the frame.

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