No Car

Missing Ingredients. But I still got Cookies for Breakfast!Baking frenzy late last night. made Unbaked (or No-Bake, as some call them) Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, and Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies. Went to start baking at around 10p and was out of several needed ingredients. No problem. I live close to the grocery. Problem. I loaned my car to +Kristi Fahlsing while hers is in the shop. Oops, bad timing on my part. Called Kristi to see what she was up to and told her I was going to walk to the grocery. She came and picked me up. 😉 Upon returning home from the grocery I walked in the door and my phone rang. Kristi called and said, "You forgot your eggs. Come back out." Oh, I left the eggs in the car! Nope. Forgot to BUY them! Back to the grocery. Eggs in the VERY back of the store. Bought eggs. Came back home. Mixed beginning of Unbaked Oatmeal to get ready to finish off while Pumpkin Chocolate Chip in oven. Mixed up Pumpkin Chocolate Chip. Used the last of my Vanilla. Really? Seriously?!? Dig through cabinets and get creative idea! Used Coconut Extract instead. 😉 Turned out good — perhaps a little dry, but nice chocolate taste with a hint of coconut. Had planned to make three different types tonight but was unsure what to do with the Chocolate Chip cookies and no vanilla. Was now out of the Coconut Extract so that wasn't even an option. Was wishing I had Almond Extract but I didn't have any. I had a partial tablespoon of Peppermint Extract (why did I keep just that much?!) and Cinnamon Extract. Hm. Why not? Mixed it all up, dough was nice consistency, smelled really nice, and tasted good. Baked 'em. I think I will do this on purpose next time! Nice.+Kari Tedrick A sampling of everything is packaged (quite creatively) and ready to go in payment for my little wager with you on the Mosaic Challenge on your small screen. I'll PM you the tracking. ;-)Along with all the sweet and chocolate goodness, I infused the music on this Spotify playlist into the cookies:, not to be a liar, I have some cookies to eat for breakfast. 😉 +Keith Cramer +Dustin Cochran I've got plenty for the office. +Keith Cramer I need a ride.

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16 Responses to No Car

  1. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer lucky you are!

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    I wonder if I could rationalize a shipping experiment at the office to test the hardiness off different types of baked goods when shipped overseas… I think it would benefit the scientific community. Ayup. I do. 😉

  3. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer There is a great cookie bakery in Boston that ships worldwide. I ordered some long ago and was delivered at the office, when living in Paris. Cookies were still soft but too cold (I like still warm cookies…)

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    They don't like when you put fire in the box. :-/

  5. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer that remindes me of my departure from Boston's Logan Airport carrying a box with living lobsters in… Pretty weird!

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    They let you have lobsters on a plane?! Yeah, but you can't have nail clippers. Lol

  7. Kari Tedrick says:

    Yahoo! I am going to get cookies in the mail!!
    I have a witty and entertaining reply somewhere, but I can't find it. It might be at the bottom of this coffee cup…or the next one

  8. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer It was before 9/11 (August 2001 btw) and everything was set to carry these lobsters away (even custody papers!)

  9. Charles Samples says:

    OH I so want the oatmeal ones

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    I've got plenty sitting at the office. Fort Wayne area. Will share 😉

  11. Charles Samples says:

    darn good cookies to good job scott cramer

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    You're welcome +Charles Samples. Not too many people know where to find the lair! 😉

  13. Keith Cramer says:

    hmmm… If it's our lair, can call I call all of the employees our minions??

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Don't we already?

  15. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer Like, I mean to their faces. Actually, lets get them t-shirts.

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    Gol-darn-it, I like that! 😉

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