Pick ONLY ONE movie that you can watch ever again. The world is in ruins and you're standing in the middle of the last great video store. You have a fusion-powered DVD player and room for just ONE movie. What is it? Hurry, the earth is shaking and everything around you is about to be swallowed into the abyss!!!

The ONE SONG EXPERIMENT can be found here:

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  1. Pete Donohue says:

    Pulp Fiction

  2. ian brokenshire says:


  3. Gary Evans says:


  4. Kristi Forcier says:

    NOOOOOO! +ian brokenshire beat me to it!! dammit! 😉 So if he took the only copy, does that mean I have to pick something else?

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    I have to be away for a bit… but will be back on later to make sure each has ONLY ONE!!! 😉

    Moi? Paint Your Wagon 😉

  6. Steve berto Bertolacci says:

    Attack of the killer tomatoes

  7. Shane Rhyne says:

    First of all, I'm very disappointed to learn my fusion powered iDVD only has storage capacity for one movie. What operating system is it built on: Timex Sinclair 2K?

    That being said, I'm going to pick something that has never failed to inspire me to strive for greatness since the first time my Dad took me to see it in 1976: Midway

  8. ian brokenshire says:

    Sorry Kristi – we could watch it together amongst the rubble…

  9. Kristi Forcier says:

    Aww…you'd share? Ok, I'll bring the popcorn 🙂

  10. Sean Luster says:

    Road House 🙂

  11. Dan Wilcox says:

    The Fifth Element

  12. Shawn Burns says:

    I don't need a whole movie. Just the "Play the Marsellaise" scene from Casablanca.

  13. Erik Bates says:

    Hands-down, no thought required: Blues Brothers

  14. Kyle McBride says:


  15. Rae Ouzts says:

    THIS IS HARD! I want to say Lawrence of Arabia or Gone With The Wind but The Shawshank Redemption is pretty darn good! +stephanie wanamaker what say you?

  16. Debbie Stephens says:

    That's my answer for today, ask me again tomorrow and I might have a different answer.

  17. Shane Rhyne says:

    +Sean Luster There's no need to save Road House. If +Turner Broadcasting survives the apocalypse, Road House will be on the air.

  18. Ramsez Stamper says:

    Clerks 2 – No other movie describes how i feel about the world better 🙂

  19. Gary Rogers says:

    The Dark Knight. No Question.

  20. Jason Knapp says:

    The Neverending Story

  21. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Roger Rabbit.

  22. Rhonda Stewart says:

    The count of Monte Cristo

  23. Tim Cook says:

    Almost Famous. I do actually own the Roadhouse DVD, Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier have a commentary track on it, it's pretty funny.

  24. Halfdan Reschat says:

    If I knew I forever more only could watch the same movie I would have enough sense to not watch it all the time. This means that I have to pick a movie which do not have to be a "twice in a day" movie, but rather a "three times in a month" movie. There are several movies I would think would fit this criteria, but taking the circumstances into account (whatever they are – they are still taking me away from the world I knew) then I think I have to choose an "escape reality while still being in reality"-movie. So my choice, interestingly enough, fall on my all-time favorite movie, El laberinto del fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)(2006).

  25. Tasha Schmidt says:

    I didn't even have to think about it, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

  26. Vicky Gallardo says:


  27. Sean Luster says:

    +Shane Rhyne you are correct. That is probably the reason I never bought the dvd. I know it will be running on cable tv somewhere. 🙂

  28. Gustavo Olivares says:

    Blade Runner no doubt

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    +Rae Ouzts You have more than one movie in your hand and can't open the door to escape!!! The ceiling starts crumbling from the meteorite that just hit and a herd of wild Wildebeasts (as opposed to the tame ones) just crashed through the back wall! Pick JUST ONE MOVIE!!!!!!!

    You see +Kristi Forcier aimlessly looking at an empty slot on a shelf… you yell, "PICK ONE QUICK OR SCOTT WILL MAKE UP A CATASTROPHE!!!"

  30. Scott Cramer says:

    +Shawn Burns For the oddest reason there is a minimum weight on the rescue dogsled!!! One scene is not enough to jar the dogs into motion! Pick now, their fur is starting to singe!!! PICK!!!!

  31. Scott Cramer says:

    +stephanie wanamaker Sorry, but +Rae Ouzts has invoked you. You appear >bamf!< in the middle of the rubble in your bathrobe!!! PICK ONE MOVIE!!!!!! You sense that the fate of humanity depends on it… the Jeopardy theme is playing on an old half broken monitor! NOW!!!

  32. Scott Cramer says:

    +Debbie Stephens Tomorrow night? Bwahahaha… you are in a single space capsule on your way to Mars. The Pink Ladies are on endless loop………

  33. Rae Ouzts says:

    +Scott Cramer I'm looking at my DVD collection and the new Blu Rays…hmmm, just one…

    OK, you ready


  34. stephanie wanamaker says:

    Singing in the Rain for me! Love musicals and love comedy and this is both! Great question!

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat Your comment needed an intermission! NOW YOU MUST PICK AN 80'S MUSIC VIDEO TO PLAY IN-BETWEEN MOVIE SHOWINGS!

  36. Rae Ouzts says:

    +Scott Cramer I got the most awesome 80's music video and you know it too! Aha Take On ME!

  37. stephanie wanamaker says:

    +Rae Ouzts love that video

  38. Rae Ouzts says:

    +stephanie wanamaker you are way to young to remember that video lol!

  39. stephanie wanamaker says:

    +Rae Ouzts no I just look young! went to high school in late 80s and bought AHA's first album

  40. Scott Cramer says:

    +stephanie wanamaker '85 grad says you are official 80's girl!

  41. Rae Ouzts says:

    +Scott Cramer +stephanie wanamaker well does it count that I skipped two years of high school and graduated in 1981?

  42. stephanie wanamaker says:

    +Scott Cramer yes I am I graduated in 87! and I love 80s music huge fan of Duran Duran still and Cyndi Lauper and Bon Jovi

  43. Scott Cramer says:

    +Rae Ouzts Hm. I'll count it if +stephanie wanamaker does. 😉

  44. Scott Cramer says:

    Daughter just informed me that her movie is Titanic 🙂

  45. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Titanic would be the one movie I would request NOT be shown

  46. Rae Ouzts says:

    how about one season of one television show? +Scott Cramer

  47. stephanie wanamaker says:

    +Scott Cramer I own that movie but no a 3 hr movie is not my choice and too much Leo Dicaprio ! Only need him in small doses

  48. Scott Cramer says:

    If you are still watching… LURKERS, if you want added to the "PICK ONE" circle I am creating for future questions prodding you for your pick, please +1 this comment and I will add you for direct notification. 🙂

  49. Madeline Muñoz-Bustamante says:

    Scott Pilgrim vs The World! No! Big Fish! Crap! I don't know!

  50. Doug Meredith says:

    Can't pick one. If i like the movie and it's the only one i can ever watch again, I just end up hating it. So i wouldn't pick a movie . anyway not going to have time to watch movies till i have my empire set up. Then i can make everyone share.

  51. Scott Cramer says:

    +Madeline Muñoz-Bustamante Your indecision causes you to hesitate and the exit way is washed away by the flash flood (which always happens in an apocalypse)!!! A rescue boat filled with huskies (you have to keep up…) swings in close enough for you to grab, but you can only hold ONE MOVIE! PICK NOW!!!

  52. Scott Cramer says:

    +Rae Ouzts Trying to carry every season of Gilmore Girls causes you to fall into a fairly deep hole filled with Barney movies and knock-off anime films made in Portugal. You are now forced to pick an obscure musical! PICK ONE!!!

  53. Rae Ouzts says:

    +Scott Cramer Oh Brother Where Art Thou!

  54. stephanie wanamaker says:

    I love Gilmore Girls my show would be Seinfeld I never tire of the reruns

  55. Kristi Forcier says:

    Oh all right, looks like I'm not allowed to share 🙁 Sooooo…ummm…hmmm…

    I guess it will have to be Logan's Run – it doesn't get much campier than that.

  56. Scott Cramer says:

    +Doug Meredith A Genie pops out of a bottle with a rather perturbed look (you bothered him watching his ONE MOVIE) and offers you your empire! YOU MUST PICK ONE!!! Failure will place you in the bottle for all eternity with nothing but the second to last episode of St. Elsewhere.

  57. Shawn Burns says:

    +Scott Cramer well, since one scene in Casablanca outweighs all other entire movies, it should follow that Casablanca itself outweighs all other movies.

  58. Scott Cramer says:

    +Shawn Burns Your wisdom is inviolate. You may pick a second movie. And any of that candy over there on the second shelf.

  59. Shawn Burns says:

    Shawshank. And jujyfruits.

  60. Trebor Llirrem says:

    Red Dawn.

  61. Doug Meredith says:

    That is one not so evil genie could have been last episode of The Sopranos. +Scott Cramer Shawshank redemption maybe Iron Sky when it comes out LOL

  62. Scott Cramer says:

    +Shawn Burns Please be careful.

  63. Scott Cramer says:

    +Doug Meredith Maybe and when it comes out?! The Genie starts to wave his hands and mutter something magical! You note that he has the Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini movie in his hand and it is destined for you and eternity! PICK ONE!!! hehe (that was from me)

  64. Doug Meredith says:


  65. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT. I know you said "80s music video" but one year earlier we have this musical wonderfulness which stands quite in contrast to the movie I chose: Hair Musical- White Black Boys (1979)

  66. Claudio Ibarra says:

    +Pete Donohue nailed it in one shot.

  67. Scott Cramer says:

    +Claudio Ibarra too easy for you… he took the only copy!!!

  68. Claudio Ibarra says:

    +Scott Cramer I have to choose something that hasn't yet been chosen?

  69. Scott Cramer says:

    Not originally, but since the world has been in ruins for a few days, I figure most of the movies have melted! 😉

  70. Luke Toney says:

    No brainer for me, and shocked I'm the first to say…The Big Lebowski!!!

  71. Scott Cramer says:

    +Luke Toney Hm… me too! What would Jesus say? (the bowler, not the popular religious figure)

  72. Luke Toney says:

    +Scott Cramer I think he'd say "you don't eff with the one experiment!"

  73. Scott Cramer says:

    +Luke Toney LMAO!!! Nice. 😉

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