Can Rubber Bullets Kill You?

Some quick excerpts from the article:

"Just like real deal bullet, the potential danger of baton rounds also depends on how they’re fired."

"Despite this evidence of rubber bullet-inflicted injuries and fatalities, the U.S. Department of Defense includes rubber bullets in its arsenal of nonlethal weaponry…"

"[The U.S. Department of Defense] even looked into developing rubber bullets for use in rapid-fire machine guns earlier this year."

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Can Rubber Bullets Kill You? : Discovery News
So-called nonlethal weapons can be lethal.

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6 Responses to [OWS]

  1. Donovan James King says:

    I have shot several types of shot gun rounds in my life. RULE number 1# any round even a blank round if miss used can kill you….

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    I would have to see some very definitive proof that officers were in harm's way from protesters to even begin to consider that firing anything in any way, shape, or form, was justifiable. Retreat is always an option over violence. I mean, really, are the protesters going to overrun the police trenches and kill their women and children? Really? C'mon!?

  3. Donovan James King says:

    to protect and serve the 1%

  4. Burnley Wilkins says:

    And as the Oakland Police Department demonstrated, shooting people in the head with tear gas canisters can cause life threatening injuries too, especially when you follow it up with a flash-bang grenade to the face.


  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Burnley Wilkins If that man dies, this gets even more ugly.

  6. Donovan James King says:

    Now people will be gearing up to fight not protest! That is the real problem…plain and simple. Have a nice night at work dumb asses…

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