New Artist-Based A&E Reality Show

So, early morning thoughts today (even before the shower), pitch a reality show to A&E. Something with the tag line about, "every picture has a story behind it" and follow the art, and daily travails of making it as an artist, of +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado. I have had enough reality shows about tattoo artists on different coasts of the U.S. However, they could definitely do a tie-in with those shows for cross-promotion. Beyond the fact that he's an incredibly affable guy, there are a lot of interesting areas they could explore if you look at his background. Here is the text from his profile:

Hi I am a nice guy who is eager to get ahead and be the best artist I can be, I have many interests and work in many disciplines of painting, I do fine art paintings which can be seen here in my profile. I do face and bodypaint, Have worked in the theater for many years designing and painting sets and backdrops, have made puppets, designed costumes, done publicity for plays and musicals. And recently have begun exploring digital paintings and want to work towards builing a portfolio to become a concept artist.

He has his first U.S. gallery showing coming up in June in San Antonio. The A&E guys really need to get on it. Anyone have an "in" in new concepts over there? I'd love to see the look on Eduardo's face if a camera crew suddenly showed up on his doorstep. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Reshared post from +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado

New Oil Painting
Well I am starting a new oil painting, right now my work load has gotten pretty heavy. In the morning I am painting a mural ( I will be uploading some pictures in a little while) then working on my oil paintings in the afternoon, and at night concept art and storyboards for the film Iยดm involved in.
So I will be posting most of my progress at night and will probably read all the comment until the next day, so please be patient if I donยดt comment right away. This whole working almost 18 hours a day is all fine, I wanted to work so now I got my wish!!!

Like I have said before, I have a circle that I notify every time I post something about my paintings. If you would like to be included in this circle please let me know. I will still post publicly but this is just so you get a notification and donยดt miss it. Also if you would not like to get any more notifications please also let me know so I can take you off this circle, thank you!!

In album Imagination (2 photos)

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15 Responses to New Artist-Based A&E Reality Show

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mike Elgan He seems to be able to make things happen at the last minute. Plus, he really owes me one by my way of thinking. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Keith Cramer to plus this idea. Because he does that. While I'm at it, some +Jim Gomes and +Jun C perspective just to be diverse. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Scott Cramer says:


    A&E Television Networks has a long-standing policy against accepting unsolicited manuscripts, treatments, pitches, proposals, or similar materials. Please do not send us any materials.

    Just means they are making this inevitable process harder is all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Jim Gomes says:

    Smart on the part if A&E, because of danger of being sued over somebody claiming intellectual property infringement. It gives A&E freedom to choose their own topics.

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    That doesn't help me make Eduardo a star, though, gosh darn it.

  6. Jim Gomes says:

    Just make strong implications that their chief rival is going to make a similar show using some inferior artist, and that Eduardo is available to create a much more interesting show.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Now we're talking! I actually submitted a version of the pitch to an entertainment pitch submission site. Figured, why not? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Jun C says:

    That actually sounds like a good idea.. although, I'm not much into reality shows…
    It kinduv reminds me of Exit Through the Gift Shop

  9. Vicki Elam says:

    What a fabulous idea +Scott Cramer and I just adore the work of the awesome and talented +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado

  10. Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado says:

    Wow +Scott Cramer you are so awesome!!! Thank you for thinking that I would make a good subject for a reality tv show! Somehow I just associate reality TV with the Kardashians but that is just me. ๐Ÿ˜›
    I am up for anything so if anything comes up let me know. Thank you so much I really donยดt know what else to say ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    I think it would be fun. Hey, I'm a dreamer. Who knows, maybe the tiny little spark will get somewhere. No more crazy than playing the lottery! Kardashians are guilty pleasure reality TV. I'm thinking more high-class. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    Honestly… With a video cam and some editing, you could become your own documentary… Bears some further thinking. Any peeps lurking with some ideas?

  13. Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado says:

    indeed I think it is a fun and excellent idea! now I only need someone to follow me around with a camera ; )

  14. Jun C says:

    U guyz should see Exit Through the Gift Shop if u haven't yet… it's a documentary about the creation of a street artist… but originally supposed to be on Banksy…
    U could do something similar… make it a web series or something!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jun C Bears further discussion. I think it could be a cool visual art piece for Eduardo plus generate some more eyeballs for him and his work. Tag +Keith Cramer

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