Spider VW Beetle Sculpture


Thanks +Ken Duffy for the original post!

Reshared post from +Ken Duffy

A Volkswagen Beetle as a spider, on the roof of a building in Reno (sculpture by David Fambrough). In the foreground, part of an artcar in the collection of Harrod Blank, who took us down this street to show us the sculpture. I think the sculpture has been relocated, though I'm not sure where. #artcars

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3 Responses to Spider VW Beetle Sculpture

  1. Ken Duffy says:

    I think my wife photographed something similar in Palm Springs not long ago… I'll see if I can get a link.

  2. Ken Duffy says:

    I think my wife photographed something similar in Palm Springs not long ago… I'll see if I can get a link.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    It's a really cool sculpture. I'd love to do that where I live. First I need some giant spider legs. Second I need some talent… lol

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