Spoiler Rules

I especially liked the knife fight! Oh… err… sorry. 😉

Thanks +Henry A. Otero for the post!

Reshared post from +Henry A. Otero

I thought this was great… TV Stars teaching fans "Official Spoiler Rules" LOL

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2 Responses to Spoiler Rules

  1. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, I'm glad I didn't read your comment before watching the video. I've learned to anticipate some spoilers in order to avoid them.

    A few years back a friend of mine uttered the words "I can't believe two main characters died in the episode from last night" as the first words to me after I got back from university (thereby not having had a chance to watch the episode myself yet). He knew this, and for the reminder of the series (Heroes in this case) when I hadn't watched the latest episode yet, I dodged him and many of his phone calls in order to avoid spoilers. I've never really forgiven him.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat I have done that with friends and co-workers for series such as Heroes and LOST. There are some who just delight in being able to tell you something about the show before you see it. It's like some sort of perverse pleasure; they just can not shut up. Grr.

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