Star Wars: The Force Awakens tickets went on sale Monday. +Keith Cramer? and I tried online but all the movie ticket site servers crashed, so at about 10p we high-tailed it to the theatre. We picked up tickets for family and friends PLUS some extras just in case for the December 17th 3D IMAX at 7:30p!
I bought a popcorn while standing in the lobby and the girl behind the counter told me I got a free refill and offered to dump my popcorn in a bag and give me the refill. Score! Then we ended up purchasing some more "just in case" tickets and the girl there, who we'd been previously joking with, saw all the popcorn and told me I got unlimited refills and said she could put more in the bag. Umm… Sure! Lol I walked out with a Santa Claus bag full of popcorn, the original bag full, and more tickets than I've ever purchased.
+Sean Cowen? and +Blaine Hall?, we have your tickets! Anyone else interested in a Fort Wayne Star Wars HIRL in December, let me know; still have tickets!
#starwars #starwarstheforceawakens?Star Wars Tickets Purchased!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens tickets went on sale Monday. +Keith Cramer? and I tried online but all the movie ticket site servers crashed, so at about 10p we high-tailed it to the theatre. We picked up tickets for family and friends PLUS some extras just in case for the December 17th 3D IMAX at 7:30p!
I bought a popcorn while standing in the lobby and the girl behind the counter told me I got a free refill and
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