Star WHAT?!?

They had to have been trying to be this bad. Words cannot describe…

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29 Responses to Star WHAT?!?

  1. Andy Torres says:

    Awh. I love it!

  2. Michael Erik Naesby says:

    To achieve this exact level of Star-Wars-ness must have taken a lot pf of effort…

  3. Liz Super Cheers says:

    rofl! so r2d2 has a human hiding inside.. XD

  4. Nick Trevena says:

    Seems legit.

  5. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I'd like to see you do better, +Scott Cramer.
    No really; I would like to see you try make your own Star Wars costume.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat I love the smell of competition in the morning! Rules?

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Keith Cramer

  8. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, rules? Bah!
    If you are able to make a costume for one of the three characters in the photo better then these guys did, I'll promote you in three posts during three days (one of which needs to be you in your costume; resharing your future costume post). If you aren't able to make a better costume I'll still reshare the photo of you in your attempted costume but I'll do so slamming and making fun of you. Sounds like a deal? And who should be judging your costume then? I'm willing to be judge, jury, and executioner.

  9. Halfdan Reschat says:

    And, yes, I'd love to see some sort of brother-feud again. Perhaps you should beat each other as well as these guys.
    Do you, +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer, have any suggestions?

  10. Keith Cramer says:

    Hmmm.. Might be time to get out the circular saw, sewing machine, duck tape, and glue. See what you get started when you insult the hard work of other people +Scott Cramer

    I have at least one rule. No princess leia costume from Jabba's palace allowed! I so don't want to see my bro posing in that!

  11. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Keith Cramer, I'm sure a lot of other people would love +Scott Cramer in a Slave Leia costume.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    Err… Princess Leis was not a Wookie. 'Nuff said. 😉

    Otherwise, I'm game.

  13. Keith Cramer says:

    time-frame? cost restrictions? punishment?

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. Perhaps that's part of the LOSS. Princess Leia Slave Costume. Public. 😉 What's a Brother Cramer competition without something on the line? bwahaha!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    Time frame for sure knowing us. Should probably have a cap on expense. Punishment is what +Halfdan Reschat said plus I upped the ante.

  16. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Sounds good. How about a season premiere of Game of Thrones deadline? Then you'll have enough time. Loser shall wear Slave Leia costume in public hangout (and made fun of on Google+), and winner will get Google+ glory (mentioned earlier). If both costumes are worse than the ones of these three guys, both lose. Cost? Use at little as possible (I'm not sure how much that is); it forces you guys to be that more creative.
    Brother vs Brother Fight!

  17. Halfdan Reschat says:

    How should the judging be done? Should I round up a small qualified group of secret people to make sure the judging is fair and balanced, or do you have any other ideas? (Preferably something which will reflect the quality of the costumes – and not the popularity of the wearer.)

  18. Jake Marquart says:

    Are we talking better better, or better worse costume?

  19. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Jake Marquart, just in any way better. The amount of effort is entirely up to +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer.

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer I bow to the will of the crowd. You?

  21. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Keith Cramer and +Scott Cramer, so is it on?

  22. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm game. Keith was a bit concerned about the Princess Leia outfit. 😉 I'm ready to rock this thing.

  23. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, sounds good. Then perhaps the contest is just for you until +Keith Cramer jumps on board. If it ends up being just you, then perhaps we won't need an unbiased jury for voting and can just use a "+1 comment vote."

    I'll sum up the rules/agreements:
    – You make a Star Wars costume (preferably of one of the three characters from the photo, to make it easy to compare).
    – You have until the Game of Thrones season premiere (April 1st, 9:00 PM EST).
    – It is preferred that you do as much of it yourself and are creative using stuff you already have (though are allowed to buy the necessary materials; keep it on a low budget).
    – Before the deadline you have to post a photo of you with the costume on (even if the costume isn't finished).
    – Voting on whether the costume is better or worse than the ones in the photo will be done through "+1 comment voting" (when the time comes we'll figure out who posts it – and get as shared as much as possible) or using a secret jury (chosen by me with me not voting) if desired / if +Keith Cramer joins the contest.
    – If you win you'll get the a three-days-three-posts promotion/honor by me and all the Google+ glory one can get from making one's own Star Wars costume.
    – If you lose you'll get made fun off on Google+ and will have to wear a Slave Leia costume in a public hangout.

    Deal? Any changes? Then I'll make a post announcing the contest later today (it's morning here) which I'll post around 8 AM PST.

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    hehe… Oh, Keith will be in this. {twirls villainous mustache} Yes, yes, he will.

  25. Halfdan Reschat says:

    That's a deal then. THE CONTEST HAS BEGUN!
    Official announcement from me will be posted around 8 AM PST 9 AM EST (to catch the European crowd in the afternoon before they head off to their Saturday plans and to catch the US crowd in the morning.)

  26. Keith Cramer says:

    Oh, I didn't really think I had a choice here. Of course I'm in. As for the princess leia costume, I'm very concerned for anyone watching regardless who wins.

  27. Keith Cramer says:

    My latest update:

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