Sunday Challenge Photo

Google image search won't help you here, folks. What am I? Answer to be revealed sometime later today. First correct guess and most creative guess both receive a silly Photoshop mash-up. 😉

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27 Responses to Sunday Challenge Photo

  1. Jenny McDonnell says:

    The seam around a cherry tootsie pop.

  2. Benjamin Wimmer says:

    Brake light?

  3. Cliff Roth says:


  4. Paul Strandlund says:

    It's the lights on a turntable to make sure it is turning at the right speed when viewed with the strobe.

  5. Thex Dar says:

    Could be an emergency strobe light or tail light lens… There are a lot of refraction bubbles on it  …

  6. Allen l says:

    It's a digital representation of an artificial light source in the red spectrum displayed on a tricolor monitor… or a glow in the dark Yoyo. Hard to tell.   

  7. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I tried using Google image search but it wasn't really any help at all. So my guess is that this thing is a red crystal bowl.

  8. Benjamin Wimmer says:

    Hehe, Google image search gives me: "Best guess for this image:helvetica t shirt"?!

  9. Scott Blaydes says:

    Its the red lights I keep seeing in my rear view mirror before I hit the nitrous button. 

  10. Geoff Dennehy says:

    A plastic piece from an old toy.  Sorry, can't seem to come up with anything more creative.

  11. Mz Maau says:

    A stack of plastic "fancy" serving dishes in cellophane.

  12. Geoff Dennehy says:

    Does look like a bunch of stacked things +Mz Maau , doesn't it.  Hmmm

  13. greg gregory says:

    a cars taillight

  14. Zara Shore says:

    Perhaps a tyre encased in strawberry jelly (or "jello" for any americans)?

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    Whoops! I got caught up in some offline activity and did not post the answer, sorry Pleeps!

    Although +Benjamin Wimmer was close with brake light and I almost awarded it to him, +Kristi Fahlsing pointed out to me that technically this was not correct. The brake light was not on and in fact when I tried to take the picture with someone pressing on the brake, it blew out the picture. The correct answer is therefore the tail light! Congratulations to +Thex Dar!

    For the most creative answer, it goes to +Zara Shore for a tire (tyre?) encased in strawberry jello! Which, remind me to never have dessert at her house. 😉

    Mentions (honorable and otherwise):
    +Halfdan Reschat – What exactly do you think my decorating style is???

    +Allen l – It was a toss up on most creative between Zara and you. The spirit of Bill Cosby (from the future, when he's not alive) appeared to me and swayed my decision.

    Thanks to all for some Sunday humor! I shall attempt to get the Photoshop mash-ups out tonight! Stay tuned.

  16. Thex Dar says:

    Thanks +Scott Cramer ….  Got to save this post to show my wife that I was right ….Once at least ….  LoL  LoL
    Have a great day …

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +Thex Dar Photoshop forthcoming… although you leave me little to work with image-wise! Avatar has been saved. Silly mash-up mode in brain engaged.

  18. Benjamin Wimmer says:

    Aaahhh! So close 🙂

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    Yeah, I know! I already had your Photoshop started! 😉 Blame +Kristi Fahlsing and future dead Bill Cosby. He weighed in since he was already floating about.

  20. Thex Dar says:

    My avatar is much better looking than I …even tho I and Mr. Dark do look very similar (well some years back)…He is taller also … :- ) 

  21. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Hey, +Scott Cramer, you agreed in the beginning..I was only reminding you about our conversation when you were taking the picture.

    sorry +Benjamin Wimmer!

  22. Scott Cramer says:

    Yeah, but c'mon… who can argue with future dead Bill Cosby?!?!

  23. Zara Shore says:

    Thanks +Scott Cramer ! And for the record "tyre" because english spellings are awesome 😀

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    I finally got one of the two Photoshop mash-up prizes posted! +Thex Dar and +Benjamin Wimmer here is yours: +Zara Shore on deck next! 😉

  25. Thex Dar says:

    Thanks Scott …

  26. Zara Shore says:

    Should I be worried? 😉

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    You encased a tire in jello. I'm thinking you are okay. 😉

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