Why am I wanting to yell, "To the Batpole!" 😉
"Inspired by the recent film The Avengers JONATHAN KNOWLES and make-up artist Celine Nonon joined forces to create this Super lip art beauty trio, featuring Batman, Captain America and Superman."
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I wonder where Robin is..
I would so do this..
+Tiffany Henry Which hero would grace your lips? 😉
One of the few times it's acceptable to color outside the lines.
Superman of course! He can grace my lips anytime..
Where's Spiderman?
Man of Steel… of course… 😉
No love for Iron Man either?? o.O
True… Does Steel beat Iron?
+Tiffany Henry?
Wouldn't that be "pole-bat"?
So… which would you wear (can pick other heroes, me thinks)? +Kristi Fahlsing +Kyla Myers +Caroline Evebetty +Kari Tedrick +Nunzia Nullo +Amanda Rachelle Warren +Amy Gabriel +Mz Maau +Helena Bertinelli +Dolidh Young +Lady Fran W +Kristi Forcier +Sheila Garl +Laurie Morrison +Lilian Sloan +Jacqueline Hodsdon +Kim Crawford +Rhonda Stewart +Kaydie Wells +Eddie Yasi (hehe) +Mary C. Umm… I know I forgot people. I'm sorry!
I want Wonder Woman lips! – so hop to making them right now..chop, chop!
Definitely number 3 and hi +Scott Cramer ! Been awhile! Hope all is well in your neighborhood.
OHHHH I LOVE Captain America & Superman lips!!
Hi Scott….just because if the innuendo…Superlips,LOL!
On a night out once in a while… yes – that would be awesomesauce… but also expectation is very different to reality :S
I barely wear makeup…
Is +Keith Cramer still doing dares? This would be a good one.
^=^ Definitely Batman on dark days and Captain America for happy days for leepsors of faaaaabulousness. >D
Or I'd go for classic Harley Quinn http://goo.gl/cCg1c
I'm with +Mary C. on this one.
((fistbumps +Kyla Myers)) 😀
Did someone mention Harley Quinn??
I may or may not have the weirdest crush on her >_>
Hehehe Harley is pretty much awesome crazy Moin. 😀
+Mary C. And I wouldn't have it any other way 😉
+Keith Cramer with Ms. Marvel lips. Lol
Hmmm… tough question. Wonder if you can convert the Sandman critters effectively to this concept?
meh I can't stand lipstick/ makeup
But Jerry says Wonderwoman FTW. he's got a bit of a crush
If I had to chose one pictured, I'd say SuperMan, otherwise Ms Marvel… Does Laura Croft count? Then yes. Laura Croft
I'd have to go with Green Lantern lips, to show my support y'know… 😉
YES! I'm stealing this!
Oh and by the way… BATMAN all the way!
Weird time to mention Harley Quinn was my pseudonym forgave longish while.?
I'm thinking outside the box (blue box) I think. The 10the Doctor (David Tennant) is my hero. He could grace my lips any day. 😉
#love !!
Thanks all for giving me insight to your psyche profiles. My files are updated accordingly. I shall resume normal tracking now.
I'll be in the 'will do just about anything for a laugh' category then +Scott Cramer 😛
You are already there +Dolidh Young. There is also a cross-reference with subversive pixies….. err… double-checking data…
Also, in thinking about this, I realized that more superheroes need logos.
+Amanda Rachelle Warren Nice choice! And I agree with the need for more logos. It's a rough superhero world; gotta market your personal crime fighting brand!
To go with the lips: https://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/575603_424203990941524_378087136_n.jpg
OHHH I LOVE those +Kyla Myers I'd WEAR some of those … well SORTA!! 😎
+Kyla Myers oh no she didn't just link me to facebook
just kidding. good find.
For those that cringe when they see the blue f, here's the same via a less offensive site:
Oops. O failed to notice that! Needs moar caffeine!
My stream has been FB tainted!!!
~shudder~ Cooties!
Sowwy 🙁
my friend, there are a good post.