Super Lips

Why am I wanting to yell, "To the Batpole!" 😉

"Inspired by the recent film The Avengers JONATHAN KNOWLES and make-up artist Celine Nonon joined forces to create this Super lip art beauty trio, featuring Batman, Captain America and Superman."

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49 Responses to Super Lips

  1. Moin Ahmad says:

    I wonder where Robin is..

  2. Tiffany Henry says:

    I would so do this..

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry Which hero would grace your lips? 😉

  4. Alvin Stearns says:

    One of the few times it's acceptable to color outside the lines.

  5. Tiffany Henry says:

    Superman of course! He can grace my lips anytime..

  6. Tiffany Henry says:

    Where's Spiderman?


  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Man of Steel… of course… 😉

  8. Moin Ahmad says:

    No love for Iron Man either?? o.O

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    True… Does Steel beat Iron?

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry?

  11. Thomas Jones says:

    Wouldn't that be "pole-bat"?

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    So… which would you wear (can pick other heroes, me thinks)? +Kristi Fahlsing +Kyla Myers +Caroline Evebetty +Kari Tedrick +Nunzia Nullo +Amanda Rachelle Warren +Amy Gabriel +Mz Maau +Helena Bertinelli +Dolidh Young +Lady Fran W +Kristi Forcier +Sheila Garl +Laurie Morrison +Lilian Sloan +Jacqueline Hodsdon +Kim Crawford +Rhonda Stewart +Kaydie Wells +Eddie Yasi (hehe) +Mary C. Umm… I know I forgot people. I'm sorry!

  13. Kristi Forcier says:

    I want Wonder Woman lips! – so hop to making them right now..chop, chop!


  14. Jacqueline Hodsdon says:

    Definitely number 3 and hi +Scott Cramer !  Been awhile!  Hope all is well in your neighborhood.

  15. Laurie Morrison says:

    OHHHH I LOVE Captain America & Superman lips!!

  16. Kim Crawford says:

    Hi Scott….just because if the innuendo…Superlips,LOL!

  17. Dolidh Young says:

    On a night out once in a while… yes – that would be awesomesauce… but also expectation is very different to reality :S

  18. Sheila Garl says:

    I barely wear makeup…

  19. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Is +Keith Cramer still doing dares?  This would be a good one.

  20. Mary C. says:

    ^=^ Definitely Batman on dark days and Captain America for happy days for leepsors of faaaaabulousness. >D
    Or I'd go for classic Harley Quinn

  21. Kyla Myers says:

    I'm with +Mary C.  on this one.

  22. Mary C. says:

    ((fistbumps +Kyla Myers)) 😀 

  23. Moin Ahmad says:

    Did someone mention Harley Quinn??

    I may or may not have the weirdest crush on her >_>

  24. Mary C. says:

    Hehehe Harley is pretty much awesome crazy Moin. 😀

  25. Moin Ahmad says:

    +Mary C. And I wouldn't have it any other way 😉

  26. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer with Ms. Marvel lips. Lol

  27. Mz Maau says:

    Hmmm… tough question. Wonder if you can convert the Sandman critters effectively to this concept?

  28. Kari Tedrick says:

    meh I can't stand lipstick/ makeup
    But Jerry says Wonderwoman FTW. he's got a bit of a crush
    If I had to chose one pictured, I'd say SuperMan, otherwise Ms Marvel… Does Laura Croft count? Then yes. Laura Croft

  29. Eddie Yasi says:

    I'd have to go with Green Lantern lips, to show my support y'know… 😉

  30. Kaydie Wells says:

    YES! I'm stealing this!

  31. Kaydie Wells says:

    Oh and by the way… BATMAN all the way!

  32. Sheila Garl says:

    Weird time to mention Harley Quinn was my pseudonym forgave longish while.?

  33. Lady Fran W says:

    I'm thinking outside the box (blue box) I think. The 10the Doctor (David Tennant) is my hero. He could grace my lips any day. 😉

  34. Caroline Evebetty says:

    #love  !!

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks all for giving me insight to your psyche profiles. My files are updated accordingly. I shall resume normal tracking now.

  36. Jacqueline Hodsdon says:


  37. Dolidh Young says:

    I'll be in the 'will do just about anything for a laugh' category then +Scott Cramer 😛

  38. Scott Cramer says:

    You are already there +Dolidh Young. There is also a cross-reference with subversive pixies….. err… double-checking data…

  39. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    Also, in thinking about this, I realized that more superheroes need logos. 

  40. Scott Cramer says:

    +Amanda Rachelle Warren Nice choice! And I agree with the need for more logos. It's a rough superhero world; gotta market your personal crime fighting brand!

  41. Laurie Morrison says:

    OHHH I LOVE those +Kyla Myers I'd WEAR some of those … well SORTA!! 😎

  42. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Kyla Myers  oh no she didn't just link me to facebook

    just kidding. good find. 

  43. Kari Tedrick says:

    For those that cringe when they see the blue f, here's the same via  a less offensive site:

  44. Kyla Myers says:

    Oops. O failed to notice that! Needs moar caffeine!

  45. Scott Cramer says:

    My stream has been FB tainted!!!

  46. Lady Fran W says:

    ~shudder~ Cooties!

  47. Kyla Myers says:

    Sowwy 🙁

  48. says:

    my friend, there are a good post.

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