Tag Archives: occupy

Note to #OCCUPY after Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Note to #OCCUPY after Thanksgiving and Black Friday Google+: View post on Google+ Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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What does pepper spray really feel like?

This is what 84-year-old Seattle protester Dorli Rainey experienced. Unpleasant is a given. I wanted to find out more and found this article. Here are some quotes, but go read the whole thing. #occupy "30 times hotter than a habanero … Continue reading

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Tweet from Keith Olbermann on #Occupy Wall Street raid right now

@KeithOlbermann: The dumbest thing NYC could do to #Occupy is what they are doing right now. Suppression always has the opposite effect. Google+: View post on Google+ Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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Stuff going down at #Occupy Wall Street right now

Saw the post from +Wil Wheaton and am watching the live stream now. Reshared post from +Wil Wheaton The NYPD is currently evicting #Occupy from Zuccotti Park. This is a link to the livestream. Embedded Link globalrevolution Google+: View post … Continue reading

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Oakland Occupy Outrage

In warm states, violence to stop protests will increase. In cold states, authorities will be more accepting, hoping Mother Nature will break the back of the protests. I have also read this opinion elsewhere and, so far as yet, it … Continue reading

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More Police Insanity in Oakland

Man going home ends up in hospital instead. #occupy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/05/kayvan-sabeghi-injured_n_1077806.html Google+: View post on Google+ Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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Let's just admit it to the world. Goldman Sachs is above the law

What if Goldman Sachs hired a contract killer and had someone murdered? I'm just searching for where the sliding scale of justice stops. Disgusted. #ows #occupy Embedded Link Chris Hedges’ Speech in Front of Goldman Sachs Leads to Arrest Chris … Continue reading

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Circle the wagons err protesters!

I like it. At a minimum, at least we can make it uncomfortable for the politicians and corporations by being present and by making noise; online counts, but especially offline. Kudos to all the protesters! By all means, though, let's … Continue reading

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