The Dreams of a Baker

I imagine this is what +Kyla Myers's dreams look like. 😉

Thanks +Doug Savage for staying awesome. There is going to be a day, far in the future, when everything is telepathic and people do not write and therefore do not have post-its and we're going to have to explain to the children what these strange yellow-squared etchings are all about. Okay, and back to +Kyla Myers.

Reshared post from +Doug Savage

People have trouble taking cupcakes seriously…

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Cupcake Land Cartoon | Savage Chickens – Cartoons on Sticky Notes by Doug Savage
Dedicated to Laurel, who had a birthday this weekend. And she likes cupcakes. Happy belated b-day, Laurel! Here's more food. You Might Also Like: Tagged with: 3×10 • Adorable • Battle • Candy • Cupcak…

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2 Responses to The Dreams of a Baker

  1. Kyla Myers says:

    Yes, exactly like that but with more sprinkles. 😉

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Glitter? lol

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