Update – Star Wars Costume Contest

You might not know, but +Keith Cramer and I are in a costume contest with a wicked bad punishment. By April 1st, Keith and I have to have our costumes ready for judging. Loser dresses as Princess Leia, in her slave girl costume, in a public hangout. There's a link to the original contest post below if you want to read more.

I figure I'll start posting updates… maybe it will psych out my opponent! 😉

My update:
• I chose to recreate C3PO.
• Right now I have a pile of wire mesh, poster board, plastic, assorted old wires, a cereal box cut-out mask, and gold paint. Somehow, magically, I hope to put this together into a winning costume!
• Keith, unless he switches, is planning on R2D2. Since he is only 4'2" this was a good choice for him. 😉
• If I lose, we will know what Princess Leia looks like as a Wookie. Just saying. This would be a reason for all humanity for me not to lose.
• We don't know who the judges are so there can be no bribery (but if you are a judge, and you are reading this, know that I will reward you well for siding with me)! 😉
• +Halfdan Reschat is the mastermind behind this particular contest.
• I got Keith involved, because, well, I do that kind of thing.
• Keith made the mistake of mentioning the Princess Leia slave girl costume; and it became the ultimate punishment.
• Halfdan's original contest post: http://goo.gl/GEXV3
• Halfdan's wordy and funny update post: http://goo.gl/m9jx3

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32 Responses to Update – Star Wars Costume Contest

  1. Vicki Elam says:


  2. Catherine Maguire says:

    Oh lord no, this is tooo much, I've been traumatised in here before, but nothing compares to you

  3. Keith Cramer says:

    I do look good.

  4. Amy Gabriel says:

    my eyes my eyes

  5. Vicki Elam says:

    This is more than I can handle….LOL

  6. Tim Clary says:

    Oh dear +God! Think of the children!!!

  7. Keith Cramer says:

    +Tim Clary They shall be blindfolded.

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    If the universe is at all kind, then I shall not be punished with both The Death of a Thousand Condiments and Princess Leia Slave Girl Bikini.

  9. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer If the universe is just, then you will be punished with both, as you are the one who came up with both punishments. Only then, maybe you will learn your lesson!

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Next punishment, because for sure there will be another contest, should be shaved head. 😉 I got the idea from looking at +Halfdan Reschat. lol

  11. Lillith Sullivan says:

    I sense great hilarity in the future.

  12. Mz Maau says:

    Don't forget, there's always the chance you both could lose! You're not just competing against each other, but if memory serves, against the original photo.

    ^.^ That would be epic, indeed. It gives me a warm fuzzy just thinking about it.

  13. Mz Maau says:

    Don't forget, there's always the chance you both could lose! You're not just competing against each other, but if memory serves, against the original photo.

    ^.^ That would be epic, indeed. It gives me a warm fuzzy just thinking about it.

  14. Mz Maau says:

    Don't forget, there's always the chance you both could lose! You're not just competing against each other, but if memory serves, against the original photo.

    ^.^ That would be epic, indeed. It gives me a warm fuzzy just thinking about it.

  15. Chad Wilson says:


  16. Chad Wilson says:


  17. Chad Wilson says:


  18. Scottie Bible says:

    Good Luck!

  19. Scottie Bible says:

    Good Luck!

  20. Scottie Bible says:

    Good Luck!

  21. Becky Gimbert says:

    Hey, +Keith Cramer , I think you meant to say "only then, maybe learn your lesson you will".

  22. Becky Gimbert says:

    Hey, +Keith Cramer , I think you meant to say "only then, maybe learn your lesson you will".

  23. Becky Gimbert says:

    Hey, +Keith Cramer , I think you meant to say "only then, maybe learn your lesson you will".

  24. Keith Cramer says:

    +Becky Gimbert if only a Yoda translator I had, yes.

  25. Keith Cramer says:

    +Becky Gimbert if only a Yoda translator I had, yes.

  26. Keith Cramer says:

    +Becky Gimbert if only a Yoda translator I had, yes.

  27. James Lamb says:

    What did your parents do to deserve this?

  28. Scott Cramer says:

    +James Lamb Hehe… I think they asked themselves that question often. Of course, they knew exactly what they did; raised a couple of independent free-thinking geeks kids who were allowed to explore and try anything within our means, of a legal nature. They were truly the best parents ever. I'm sure Dad would have been suggesting the best way to build these costumes and Mom would have been shaking her head as she helped fit us into a bikini. 😉

  29. Halfdan Reschat says:

    It is great to hear that progress is being made. I'm however not sure how I feel about the prospect of seeing either of the Cramers in Slave Leia costumes. While it might be funny, I'm not so sure it will be pretty by any definition of the word.

  30. Salvio Giglio says:

    OMG OMG OMG! I was wrong when I thought I overdid it with you! Now exit out of your true nature! SHAME!!!! O_O ;-))))

  31. Scott Cramer says:

    My second update is here: http://goo.gl/hwJBu

  32. Halfdan Reschat says:

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