Well played, Google+ programmers. Well played!

First, I need an invite to visit the GooglePlex. Second, I need to shake every person's hand that works there. From the "little" things they do like programming the search page (though I wonder what happens if my birthday falls on Christmas; i.e., do I not see the Christmas doodle?) to the truly huge things like G+, without which I would not have met so many awesome people who I hope to know so long as I am fortunate to have more birthdays.

The cynical among us may say that I am just a piece of data to Google; that I am a variable in a formula used to calculate to the thousandth, or way smaller, of a penny as to what new profits they can make. Yeah, but so many times, like today, I feel like a HUMAN piece of data.

Corporations have no feelings and are not alive (pay attention, Congress). But Corporations are made of people. Lots of people. Lots of people with feelings. Maybe it's on the rush of amazing goodwill I have gotten today from my friends, and from strangers, even, but I think that there are so many more kind-hearted and fun-loving people at Google than almost anywhere.

And… today's my birthday. Maybe it's only an algorithm at the GooglePlex wearing the party hat for me, but you know what, that made me smile.

Thanks Google Guys!


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20 Responses to Well played, Google+ programmers. Well played!

  1. Ryan Prince says:

    Happy Birthday!

    And regardless of being an algorithm, it's still awesome.

  2. Lacerant Plainer says:

    It was obviously well planned…. rubs hands

  3. Debbie Cowan says:

    Awww your very welcome +Scott Cramer your a grest friend too, muaw!!

  4. Tony Miller says:

    Happy Birthday.

  5. Shaker Cherukuri says:

    nice present!

  6. Charles Barouch says:

    ::raises a glass:: To the #trendyest man in this corner of the Internet.

  7. Shi Jackson says:

    Happy birthday

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes! With all the good will, I can not help but to have a wonderful day! Well, once I get out of bed after finishing all these notifications! Whoa!

  9. Tana Adaneth says:

    Hey, Happy Birthday!

  10. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    Happy birthday +Scott Cramer , you are a lucky chap!

  11. Heather Haywood says:

    Happy birthday!!

  12. Kimberly Chapman says:

    It's good you found it…I totally forgot to look on my birthday and missed it!

  13. Virginia Hepp says:

    You are an appreciated piece of data to Google, they said Happy Birthday. 
    I did not know they did that, +Scott Cramer

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you +Tana Adaneth +Nikki Cartlidge +Heather Haywood +Virginia Hepp Thank you all for your birthday wishes!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    +Lacerant Plainer Thanks also to you, sir! I do not think I have tagged you yet either!

  16. Keith Cramer says:

    too cool. I didn't know they did that!

  17. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Agreed. That's a very cool thing that Google does!

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